Episode 8

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Jeff and Funto

Funto went back to Jeff's lab

Funto: we did the impossible, Doc

Funto: But now I have to destroy it

Funto: with a little creation of my own

Funto changes his suit to another kind, the  

Back to Jeff

Reporter: and once again, we have live footage of mayor Luther being held captive on the roof of Luther Tower

Luther: you want me to beg?

Luther: not going to happen

Jeff: (laughs)

Jeff: the world will know the truth

Jeff: before they mop you off the pavement

Luther: AARGH!

Jeff: tell them what you did!

Luther: I...

Luther: never...

Jeff: Everything you have is built on lies

Jeff drops Luther off the tower and caught him back

Luther: AHHH!

Jeff: you stole my company, my ideas

Jeff: Now...

Jeff: the truth

Luther: the truth...

Luther: okay...

Luther: the truth is,

Luther: you were only ever worth a damn when you worked for me

Luther: the truth is

Luther: you could never accept that I'm better than you

Luther: you're a failure, Jeff

Luther: and you always will be

Jeff drops him again

Luther: NO--NO!

Spider-Man catches him and puts him to safety and webs swings to the top of Luther's tower

Spider-Man: give me the antiserum

Spider-Man: Jeff

Spider-Man: you worked your whole life to help people

Spider-Man: please...

Jeff: you're fighting the wrong man

Jeff: but have it your way

Jeff strikes but Spider-Man blocks

Spider-Man: we don't have much time--please!

Jeff: I'll turn over the antiserum when Luther pays for his crimes!

Spider-Man: just give me the antiserum! You've already done enough to ruin Luther!

Jeff: No

Jeff: he always bounce back

Jeff: he was to lose EVERYTHING!

Spiderman punches him

Jeff: I see you have a new suit

Jeff: it won't help...

Spider-Man: I know your weaknesses

Jeff: I have no weaknesses

Jeff: you're wasting my time!

Jeff: Luther's the criminal, not me!

Spider-Man: I'm trying to help you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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