Episode 5

8 1 4

The First Mission

In the hideout

Abiola: OK since max isn't here anymore we have to protect the city our selves funto

Funto: yh

Abiola: I heard their is a crock in town so am putting you in patrol making sure the city is safe am sending you the info on your watch where is thugs will meet

Funto: OK got it

Abiola: John, you will stay here with me guiding funto through GPS signals

John: got it

Abiola: now let's do this

John and funto: yh

Back at the Doc oc's tower

Doc oc: for me to finish the suit I need a few parts

Thug: what do you want boss

Doc oc: I need metal parts I advise you to steal parts from the city

Tony: consider it done boss

Doc oc: Excellent

In New York

Spiderman: this is the place

Spiderman: ugh

Spiderman: too many people around

Spiderman: I'm not gonna be able to get close looking like this

Spiderman: maybe if I ditch the suit...

Funto changes back

Funto: there

Funto: now I'm just your average New Yorker

Funto: hey I think that's the place that got a three star review in the bugle last week

Funto: no wonder it's crowded

Funto goes to the restaurant

Doc oc thug: that mine or yours?

Thug: mine

Thug: yeah, what's up?

Thug: okay tell him were on our way

Thug: c'mon, we gotta run an errand for Tony

Thug: Now

Thug: we'er almost to the front line

Thug: I know, I know, just c'mon

Funto: need to run an errand for "Tony"?

Funto: those have to be doc oc's men

Funto: better follow 'em

Funto: but not too close

Thug: so what do we gotta d OK for Tony?

Thug: get his laptop

Thug: guess he left it in his car

Thug: you serious? Why can't he get his own damned laptop?

Thug: boss probably has him doing something more Important

Thug: somebody followin'us?

Funto: Be cool, funto, be cool

Thug: huh

Thug: guess not

Thug: where is the boss anyway?

Thug: I don't know

Thug: Tony probably does, though. He's tight with the boss

Thug: pfft. Frickin' Tony

Thug: man

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