Chapter 6

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Todoroki's POV
"Ya know, you should get revenge for what Midoriya~Kun and Uraraka~Chan did to your baby," Momo says as she puts a piece of sushi in her mouth

"How should I do that?"


As Katsuki was sleeping I reached up and took a picture. This was part of Todoroki's revenge. Todroki started to write his caption. 

This is my baby. If you see him with a paci, don't take it from him. DON'T disrespect him either. This is my baby boy and I love him with all my heart. I know that he may be one person to the world, but to me, he's the world. I don't know how I could live without him. @Floaty_Princesse3 and @SmallMight, you both need to learn respect and some common sense. 

I close my phone after posting the picture. Katsuki begins to str in my arms. He starts to open his mouth hoping to his paci or for me to give him something. I pull my baby into my lap, then put his paci in his mouth. My phone starts to go off like crazy. Katsuki grabs my phone, then opens my Instagram. He sees my post about him, then he starts reading the comments. Most were asking about his little age and some people were asking about if he's been bullied about the whole little thing.


I and my baby had walked into class the next day with everyone looks at me. Kirishima starts to clap, "way to stand up for your man!" Sero shouts

Iida stands up "what did Midoriya and Uraraka do?"

I smirk "Deku, was dating him out of pity. He would shame my baby for something he feels comfortable doing. He's purposely outed him to the entire class for his and his whore girlfriend's own pleasure!"

Deku jumps up "don't call her a whore!"

Bakugou sighs "it's true what he did. Floaty girl may not be a whore, but she's still meanie"

Most of the class awww's at Katsuki's choice of words. Iida walks over and wraps his arms around Kat. He smiles and Katsuki hugs him back. Denki shook his head "that was wrong of both of you"

Katsuki looks at Iida "I bet if Shinsou did this to you, you wouldn't be happy. Is that why you're being nice?" 

"No, what happened was wrong. I do care for you Baku-"

"Katsuki" my baby intersects "it's fine if you call me by my first name"

A/N-I want to know if you think I'm odd if I say this. I watch The Maury Show as I write this sometimes. I sit with my cocoa or tea with Maury in the background, then just write.

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