Chapter 7

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Bakugou's POV
I woke up and instanly went into little space. It was a Saturday so I didn't need to worry about school. Daddy was still asleep so I went to the table to color, not forgetting my paci though. I love Daddy so much! He spoils me, loves me, and takes care of me. I started to get hungry, but Daddy still wasn't up. He put a bottle for me in the fidge in case I was up before him. I'm not usally bottle fed, but I'm not allowed to cook, Daddy's rules! I don't like to be punished offten, but I'll be a rule breaker once and a while. I crawl over to the fridge, then grab my bottle. I feel to strong arms wrap around me, then I am hoisted into the air. I turn to see that I'm in Daddy's arms. He put me on his him, then places the bottle at my lip, but I push it away. He gets the message and places it back in the fridge "peach pancakes, babyboy?"

I nod my head excitedly. I love Daddy's cooking, its so good. He starts cooking with me on his hip still, this man is a god. He kisses my head "Deku and Uraraka have to help me take care of you. Don't worry I'll be here to"

I cuddle into his side "no one picks me up besides Daddy"

"No ones going to pick you up becides me" he says playing my pancakes

I smile at my Daddy. The way he makes me feel is amazing. He smirks "your squead tripped Uraraka I couldn't tell you how many times."

I giggle. There was a knock at the door, Daddy told who ever it was to come in. Deku and round face came in the door. I hide my face in Daddy's sleeve "good Your here"

I was placed down and I began to eat. Daddy took the two idiots into the other room. I sat eating, but listening. They were talking about my little space. I look to see Uraraka looking kinda uncomfortable. She didn't like it. Daddy gets up and comes into the kitchen "like what do we have to?" Deku questions

"Give him his paci if he needs it. Give him a stuffed animal, anything to make him happy" Daddy says picking me up

I was glued to Daddy's hip all day. Deku and round face did seem to mind that they had less to do.

Deku's POV
This was dumb. Kachan was putting Todo through hell! He shouldn't have to care for this man child! Kachan's 17 he can do this himself! Ochaco doesn't like me and I don't like her. I liked Todoroki and Ochaco likes Kachan. Uraraka truly doesn't care. She loves the whole cutesy tootsie thing, she's just acting. I love Todoroki, but he seems to be taking a likening to Kachan's little act. Bakugou started to squirm on the coach "Todoroki~Kun, it's 12:30" Uraraka smiles

Todoroki reaches down and picks him up. He begins to walk to his room with Uraraka on his heals.

Uraraka's POV
I really liked Katsuki, that's why I went along with Deku's plan. I felt bad after the way it unfolded. I plan to apologize to him, but now I'm helping Todoroki care for him. It's actually kind of nice, reassuring, and eye opening. Todoroki places Bakugou on his bed. I lean down and give Bakugou a hug "night Bakugou"

"Night night Uraraka!" He giggles with a paci in the side of his mouth

He a lot kinder and cuter when he's in little space. Todoroki closed the door and goes to make tea, I help him. I smile "Bakugou so cute in Little Space!"

Todoroki stops what he's doing and looks at me confused "what?"

"Oh. I actually like Katsuki, but he's with you and I've learned to accept it. I went along with Deku's whole scheme because I was head over heals for him. I don't mind his little space, but Deku did. I feel bad for what I did. I'm going to say something to his when he's out of little space. I am sorry for hurting you both" I bow my head

Todoroki wraps his arms around me. I felt like he accepted my apology. I smiled "thank you Todoroki. I won't try and ruing our relationship. I feel like your love goes far behind a caregiver relationship"

He chuckles "Come one lets make some lunch for Kat and your 'boyfriend'" he says adding air quotes around boyfriend

Deku and I left around 4. He didn't do much, but I drew and colored with Katsuki. His little space is so adorable. He heard Deku and his daddy talking, so he began to ask some dirty questions. I didn't explain anything, instead I told him to ask his daddy. God Shoto's going to hate me. I get a text message from him

Shoto🍰: why the hell is he asking about love making! 🤬


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