Chapter 14: Opening of the Johnson-Wilkin Art Museum

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"Therefore, I'd like to conclude this speech and welcome you lovely people to the opening of the Johnson-Wilkin Art Museum!" announced Kate, slicing the red ribbon with comically large scissors.
Grace had twisted two pink earplugs to protect her hearing, but she applauded along with the crowd and took a few pictures of the ceremony. After getting inside, we held hands and looked at some of the masterpieces.
"Wait a second, David, didn't they give you an exhibit?"
"Yeah, Kate told me that she made one for you after poker."
Speaking of Kate, her heels clicked over to us and I snapped my head towards her.
"Hey, Kate? Grace told me that you gave me an exhibit," I told her.
She nodded once and said, "Thought it'll be nice to surprise you."
Grace held my arm.
"I wanted to keep it in, but I just so desperately wanted to tell you, babe."
"I'm happy that you did," I said, hugging her closer. Kate smiled, placing a hand at her breast.
"It warms my heart to see the both of you together," she cooed.
Grace said, "Why, are you jealous?"
"Oh, no, dear. I just remember the old times when Justin and I were young and wild."
"You're only sixty-three, Kate," I reminded.
"D'oh, don't tell me about my age, young man," she remarked.
"And doesn't Justin hate PDA?"
"Only when I'm not around," she whispered.
Suddenly, Grace gasped and hid behind me.
"What's up?"
Grace pointed out a finger.
"See those guys over there?"
"By the Mona Lisa? Yeah, why?"
"Those kids used to go to my middle and high school; they've always made fun of me, so I've been avoiding them a lot.
And I blame God on all of them."
That's when one of them, a tall Hispanic guy, came walking towards us.
"Kate, where's the"-
"Bathroom? I'll hide you in there."
I swallowed and straightened my clothes, maintaining my calm.
"Hey, have you seen a really short girl with curly brown hair?"
"No, I'm sorry," I lied.

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