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Teardrops Pov.

Little did I know, today was another challenge. It wasn't... fun but it was entertaining. I began walking toward Four who was announcing the challenge infront of the other 39 contestants. We was quite far into the game, our team still not having one loss! I'm still not too sure why we have this luck.

The challenge was unimportant but all I will say, this is how everything went downhill. Everyone quickly seperated into their teams, my reaction time being slow as usual. I quickly waddled over to my team but for some reason they were all looking into a certain direction.

"Come on Teardrop!" Called out a familiar voice from my teammate Taco. I squeezed into the middle, beside Book and Gaty, Lollipop and Saw just behind me. I didnt know what was going on but Book gave me a comforting look.

"Dont worry, Teardrop! Everything is okay!"

And then it happened. I heard a loud crack and paralysis flew up my arm. I couldn't hear anything but I did remember people coming straight ahead of me, pushing Book away and holding me in their grasp. I looked around. My arm was gone but... where was it? Book had it in her arm, then everything came back to me. I made the emotion of a scream but my vocal chords made no noise, as I had none. Books laughter was all that reoccured in my ear, as well as shouts from many others that I couldn't decipher whos was whos. I did hear a specific voice. It was Lollipop's.

"Dont worry, little drop. We will keep you away from that psychopath." She had told me before my eyes fell shut. I had passed out. Those were the only words I heard before my... future predicament.

"Dont worry, Teardrop! Everything is okay!" Yeah right....

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