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Teardrop's POV.

After we had gotten far enough away, Book had placed me down and gave me smirk.

"You see what I'm capable of now? I can do anything! And that is exactly why I am taking zero rebuttal from you!"

She was trying to act close to me. As if... we were friends. Sure, that horrible nightmare I had, featured her in a horrible way, but thats still not an excuse for her to still be my friend. After what she just did to Lollipop and Taco... they could be dead!

"Listen, Teardrop. All of this massacre isnt for my pleasure. Its all-" I interrupted Book with a slap. I wasnt taking anything from her. Before she could spout any other words, I ran. I ran for my life, over to the previously flaming area. The fire had died out rather quickly.

It seems Book wasnt coming after me. Perhaps she wasnt interested anymore. But as soon as I came to the area, I had witnessed the carnage...

 But as soon as I came to the area, I had witnessed the carnage

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"Ah, little drop. Glad to see you made it back safely. I cannot say the same for us though." I couldnt tell if Lollipop's voice was hinting anger toward me as if I had betrayed them or if it was indirectly toward Book.

In case if it were toward me, I bowed to imply an apology. I really did feel bad. Not just bad, I felt horrible. I felt as if I had experienced their pain.... but I obviously havent. But as soon as I had her off of my mind...

"There you are! I knew you'd come scrambling back here to see if your friends perished! Now that you've disobeyed me, I'm very an-" Book was interrupted.

"Look, I dont know what you're standing for here, but causing a fire and ripping off Teardrop's arm is going way too far, just to make a point. What youre doing to us is horrible and I'm not standing for it!" Taco said, standing herself, a face flowing with anger and opposition. Lollipop stood close to me as if she knew something were about to happen.

"Are you refuting against me? That makes me extremely upset... and I'm not allowing it!!" Book's original face of vexation changed to a large malevolent grin.

"Little drop, escape before anything major happens. We shall catch up with you later. Stay safe." Lollipop said with a pat on the back and me making a break for it.

I ran so fast that I could feel my body wanting to trip but I couldnt allow it. I had to make my breakaway. Away from Book. My movements were incredibly swift. I had indeed got away from Book by now.

Just as I thought I was going to be alone, a trip of my feet brought me to the face of....

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