Chapter 1

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Sparse trees and bushes went by in a blur, their closeness growing as they speedily approached their destination.

There was a large lake to the left, which Denki seemed particularly intrigued by as he refused to take his eyes away from the window. Eijiro, on the other hand, wasn't being as enthusiastic. Not that Katsuki cared about that. As long as he was being quiet. Unfortunately, his silence didn't last that long.

"What are we actually doing out here, again?" Eijiro turned to the blond, who was currently driving them down a long road in the midst of the night. "Don't people usually go hunting during the day?"

"We aren't going after shitty rabbits, Shitty Hair," Katsuki's eyes connected with a sign stating they were entering their destination as he spoke, ignoring the eyes that were digging into the side of his skull.

"Okay, so what are we hunting, then?" Eijiro asked.

"A werewolf," Katsuki deadpanned, not taking his eyes of the road as he parked in the public car park. No one ever dared to use it anymore, though. This forest had countless disappearances, and while there was many stories of ghosts and things alike, Katsuki knew that was all bullshit. Eijiro snorted, earning a harsh glare from Katsuki and a gasp from Denki.

"Dude! This is serious business," Denki latched onto the back of Eijiro's seat from where he was sat in the back of the car. He peered around the seat into the front.

"I'm sorry, but," Eijiro laughed again, "when you asked me to come out here with you both I didn't expect us to be chasing after fairy tales." Katsuki turned the car off, their only current light source, and everything suddenly went dark. Denki responded slightly dramatically to the sudden darkness, but Eijiro didn't seem bothered by it. "I mean," he continued, "do you really expect me to believe we are hunting a... a werewolf?"

"Yeah, and if you're going to be like this, then you can stay in the car. But if you're actually going to take this more seriously, then you can come with us," Katsuki said with, as expected of the explosive blond, no room for argument.

Denki grabbed the redheads shoulder, "come on, dude... even if you don't believe in this stuff, it'll be a fun adventure," he smiled at Eijiro, puppy eyes begging silently.

"Fine," Eijiro sighed, rolling his eyes, "but you are way too gullible, Denki, y'know that?"

"Yep!" Denki grinned determinedly, and Katsuki wondered if he even knew what that word meant. Probably not, he guessed.

Katsuki ignored them and climbed out the car, using his flashlight to not trip over the small pebbles and stones that covered the floor. Eijiro and Denki followed behind him and gasped as he opened the boot, revealing an array of arsenal and weapons.

Eijiro took a step backwards, "hey, hey... I don't know about this, guys," he took another look at the guns before averting his eyes back to Katsuki and Denki who were already grabbing what they wanted. "Are they even legal?!"

"Mostly. For my parents, anyway," Katsuki shrugged like it was nothing.

"You mean you stole these from your parents?! Why do they even have these?!" Eijiro was definitely freaking out over the whole situation, but Katsuki had no time to deal with that.

"Because they're hunters?" Katsuki answered, as if it made perfect sense; because, to him, it did. His parents were hunters way before he was born (sometimes do it for a little cash every now and again) and he is just carrying on what they do. It was how he was so knowledgeable on the supernatural to begin with.

Eijiro was talking to himself about how this was a horrible idea and that if they got caught they would be in a lot of trouble, but Katsuki cut that short by shoving a pistol into his chest. The redhead looked at it with uncertainty before gulping and holding it. He looked at his friends with furrowed brows, "I'm only coming so you two don't get yourself killed."

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