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yelyah: hey guys!!! practice tonight right?

Josh Farro: Yup, I'll be there

ptcruiser: same

jermbeats: yup we're good

yelyah: t?

ptcruiser: he's asleep

jermbeats: how do you know zac 👀

ptcruiser: oh god get those eyes o u t t a here, it's not weird

yelyah: oh i doubt that

ptcruiser: i just came in his hotel room to eat some of his cereal and he was asleep, so i had to let myself in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

yelyah: mmmm right not weird at all

Josh Farro: Zac, that's weird

ptcruiser: you should change your username

Josh Farro: What's wrong with my name?

ptcruiser: uhhh it's boRING

jermbeats: we see it enough

yelyah: i have a suggestion

Josh Farro: Alright...

Josh Farro changed their username to heyjosh

ptcruiser: ayyyyyy there we go

jermbeats: cuteeeeee

tyorkie: awwww

yelyah: hi t!!

tyorkie: wait zaC HOW DID YOU GET IN

ptcruiser: shhHHHh gO back to sleep

yelyah: ahkdjsk wait zac how did you actually get in??

ptcruiser: i'm a magician and i will never reveal my secrets

jermbeats: he stole his extra key card

ptcruiser: H E R M

tyorkie: "herm"

yelyah: im only calling herm herm from now on

heyjosh: Hayley that made no sense

yelyah: y'all know what i mean

jermbeats changed their username to hermbeats

yelyah: YES i love that

yelyah named the chat hermamore!!

tyorkie: hermit beats

yelyah: HAH T ILY

ptcruiser: o h d a m n

yelyah: oKAY STOp i say that to everyoneeeee

heyjosh: I think you do a bit more than SAY it to everyone...

yelyah: uhhh lmao the fuck is that supposed to mean?

hermbeats: josh what

heyjosh: Nothing

yelyah: fine whatever lol

hermbeats: well

hermbeats: you don't say ily to me h :,(

yelyah: awWw nuuu ily herm

hermbeats: gOod

hermbeats: wait hayles what did you end up giving t? for him changing his username

yelyah: oh yeah!! i let him pick, he has an IOU now

ptcruiser: oooh okay t whatchu gonna ask for

hermbeats: zac was that a typed out sneeze

ptcruiser: ill have you know whatchu is a very commonly used word

hermbeats: mhm fine just stop typing so taylor can answer

tyorkie: well idk yet

heyjosh: Yeah, I think we all know what he wants from you, Hayley

ptcruiser: ,,,,

hermbeats: what the fuck

tyorkie left the chat

yelyah: josh.

heyjosh: What? It was a joke. And I didn't even say what I was talking about.

yelyah: jesus christ

hermbeats: we all know what you were talking about josh

heyjosh: Whatever, it's late, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed

yelyah: finally

heyjosh: Fuck off

heyjosh left the chat

ptcruiser: ....ill try to talk to him

yelyah: its whatever


i'm sorry again, josh.

i promise i have nothing against you.

and i know this book is really different from anything else i've written, but i am still *me* after all. so of course, there is still a trigger warning for heavy topics, and, of course, please be careful continuing on reading.

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