four || you don't want me

189 6 6

"so i don't go where you don't want me..."

take care of yo selves

jermbeats: hey spongebob we're back

ptcruiser: we come bearing gifts

ptcruiser: food ofc

tyorkie: ofc

tyorkie: are you okay?

ptcruiser: yeah we wanna bring you the food, you good for right now?

jermbeats: .......h?

yelyah: sorry, yup im here

yelyah: awe thanks guys (,:

tyorkie: of course. are you okay?

ptcruiser: do you want us to bring you the food or do you wanna come down?

yelyah: pls bring it im in my pyjamas

yelyah: you can all come

tyorkie: hayles?

yelyah: yeah im good t, thank you (:

yelyah changed their username to spongebob

tyorkie: okay :)

spongebob: ur smiley's backwards

tyorkie: ...

jermbeats: whos gonna tell her

pfcruiser: but it is?

tyorkie:    .   .   .

spongebob: oh, and i spoke to josh

ptcruiser: oh!! are things alright now?

spongebob: yeah, ig. ill add him back

spongebob added heyjosh to the chat

heyjosh: Hey guys

ptcruiser: hey heyjosh

jermbeats: yo

tyorkie: hi

heyjosh: Practice again tonight?

spongebob: sure (:

ptcruiser: yup the three of us are good

heyjosh: Okay. I'm going to bed so..

heyjosh left the chat

tyorkie: oh

spongebob: what great company he is

ptcruiser: hayley ):

jermbeats: uhh is that what he normally does when he sleeps zac?

ptcruiser: yeah i think so, it should be fine

jermbeats: cool okay yeet

ptcruiser: yeehaw**

spongebob: and y'all call me southern

tyorkie: "y'all" aw

jermbeats: you're SO southern

spongebob: aM NOT

ptcruiser: this is kinda precious

ptcruiser: now please let us in we're outside your door with three bags of chinese takeout

spongebob: three bags?! i thought you just brought me leftovers???

tyorkie: we were gonna do that but it was really good and we got conned into buying all of us extra food

jermbeats: ummmm that's very false, we knew exactly that we were buying extra food

tyorkie: jeremy you had no clue what was going on, you tried to speak spanish to them

ptcruiser: can confirm, yeah

spongebob: why am i not surprised

ptcruiser: now l e t u s i n

tyorkie: "le-tus-in"

spongebob: o k a y

jermbeats: let us in. let us inNNNNNN!!!

spongebob: hfkhffkkdk


i used to love reading these types of stories, seeing a more personal, laidback side of the people i'd always admired. so, i felt i wanted to write something of my own, taking the concept into my own hands and seeing what i could make of it (and i'm not surprised with how it turned out). i've also always loved writing in the brand new eyes era, with the feelings of passion and lingering tension so prevalent in that time; and finally, i had wanted to write more conflict-based things as well. so here's a somewhat chaotic, somewhat laidback mix of all these self-indulging things.

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