six || simply aging

139 4 33

"that i'm not just simply aging..."

take care of yo selves

spongebob named the chat don't talk to me

spongebob left the chat

heyjosh: Such a drama queen.

jermbeats: josh, cmon. don't

tyorkie: josh, she's our friend

jermbeats: she's your girlfriend, man

ptcruiser added spongebob to the chat

ptcruiser: guys can we please talk about this?

spongebob: did you not read the chat name

ptcruiser: ): hayley,, please

spongebob changed their username to no

tyorkie: we don't have to but.. c'mon guys

ptcruiser: no, we DO have to talk about it. we're not just brushing this off and continuing on like we always do, im sick of it

tyorkie: maybe we should do this in person then?

heyjosh: No.

no: <——

jermbeats: im in my pyjamas

tyorkie: we JUST got back from practice??

jermbeats: and ??

tyorkie: okay, not in person it is

ptcruiser: well we have to talk about it, we cant just ignore it

no changed their username to hayley

hayley: look im sorry zac, but its not really your place

heyjosh: Zac, just leave this between Hayley and me.

ptcruiser: no, sorry, but it is my place. it's all of our places. it may be your relationship but this band is all of ours, and the two are not working too well together right now

heyjosh: Jesus Zac, just let it go

hayley: its okay z, we'll just work it out or something

ptcruiser: fine whatever, just keep doing whatever shit you're doing, but leave me out of it

ptcruiser left the chat

jermbeats: oh shit

tyorkie: :( should i add him back?

hayley: i think he needs some time for now

heyjosh: Why is he allowed to get away from this bullshit and I'm not?

hayley: oh cmon josh. when can you ever just cooperate?

heyjosh: Are you kidding me? Says the girl who caused all of this.

hayley: oh did i now? go ahead and explain how the hell i did that, id love to hear it

heyjosh: You're so goddamn dramatic, you can't handle anything. Sorry if this is news for you, but we're supposed to be able to talk openly about songwriting, and yeah, that includes criticism.

hayley: oh right okay because blatantly calling me lazy and unimaginative during practice is constructive criticism.

heyjosh: You're the one who can't think of lyrics that the band can actually get behind, that doesn't go against everything we've ever stood for and believed

hayley: yeah well people grow. oh, and sorry if this is news to you, but after saying one thing you dont like about someone, you dont have to go off and find a whole bunch of others

heyjosh: I'm not just finding other things to say, I've been thinking these for a long time.

hayley: youve been thinking that i dress too skimpy for a long time?

heyjosh: Maybe I have.

hayley: dick. i dont think i ever asked for your opinion on how i look, but i can tell you with all certainty i don't want it

heyjosh: Yeah well with the stupid shit you do, looks like you need it. you know we have an image and reputation to uphold right?

heyjosh: And are you really so weak that you can't take a bit of criticism?

hayley: dont ever call me fucking weak

hayley: and how is ur criticism helping the band or our relationship at all?

heyjosh: Did I say it was -constructive- criticism?

hayley: fucking christ, are you actually shitting me right now?

tyorkie: guys, please... could we maybe have this conversation in the form of not an argument?

heyjosh: Taylor just fucking leave it, this doesn't concern you

hayley: god what the hell is wrong with you, fucking rude all the time? back off

heyjosh: Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have insulted the guy you just adore so much more than ME, your boyfriend.

hayley: well you know when you keep acting like this, you wonder how i could not

heyjosh: Wow.

heyjosh: Right. Maybe you'll go running off into his arms and portray me as the villain just like you always do, then the two of you can do God knows what while I sit here alone doing all the work in this shitty band

jermbeats: jesus josh, calm down

hayley: fuck you. just stop.

tyorkie left the chat

hayley: fuck you josh

hayley left the chat

heyjosh: fuck this

heyjosh left the chat

jermbeats: well

jermbeats: guess ill just chill here then..


anger has always been a really difficult but interesting emotion for me to write, so i felt it necessary for me to write a story with the underlying emotion being anger and internal conflict. i simply hope it went well, especially in the parts where i mixed it with concepts i was more familiar with. i hope you'll see.

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