Russia breaks a rule

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(I'm writing this on a phone instead of an sorry if there are more mistakes than usual)



Well, I mean, the gathering wasn't the BEST one I've been to....oh wait, this was only my second gathering. Only apprentices and older could go to gatherings, and I have been an apprentice for three moons. The first time I went was a few days after my apprentice ceremony. I was excited about something for once and it was great. Last moon, though, I may have argued with Britain about a dumb reason and got told to stay behind as a punishment. After that, I kinda lost all the fizziness I previously had, but was still excited to go. If I met new cats and got them to trust me, I could be able to lead a battle patrol as a WARRIOR one day and surprise attack the clan!

I was busy thinking about me leading a whole patrol to a battle that I stepped on Ukraine's blue and yellow tail. He hissed in pain. "Watch it Russia!"

I shrug at him. "Sorry." I answer simply.

Britain leads us into the camp and goes to his den, which is under a sheltered bush nearest to the medicine den. France wanders off to her friend, Spain, and starts talking. The rest of the cats go do their own things. I bound into the nursery. I entered, and it felt as if I never left outside, since it was so spacious. I run up to Estonia, who was sharing tongues(cat grooming and talking) with Finland. They looked up and saw me there.

"Hello Russ, need anything from us?" Estonia asks. (I legit had no one else)

"I just wanna see Belarus." Russia meowed. Estonia was Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus's foster mom. According to Britain, Greece had gone out hunting by himself and found us. He took all of us to his clan, and they took us in. Belarus was only a few weeks old then! I mean, I was two moons old, Ukraine was one and a half, and Kazakhstan was five moons old. Ahh yes, Kazakhstan, my oldest brother. He left Europe three moons ago and joined Asia. That's why I sometimes visit Asia because I'm welcome, though no one but Europe and possibly Asia know we're related. Oh well, he wants to be the coward, then let him be the coward.

Estonia was expecting her kits with Finland, but Latvia, Estonia's brother who is the medicine cat, said that they were dead, sadly. But when Estonia was about to leave the den upsetly, Greece brought us in. Then Estonia said she'll care for us with Finland. And Britain agreed, so here we are!

A small, four moon old, green and red she-kit pounced out from behind Estonia's nest.

nest. She tackled me down and I nearly went down, but saved myself by digging my claws into the ground. "Hewo big brother(my mom won't stop watching that show-) Russia!" Belarus brushed herself against my forepaws. She was so tiny! "Did you come to visit me!?"

I smile down at her. "Yes, Belarus." I lick her ear comfortingly. "I can call Ukraine to play with you," I said, something on my mind, "I have to do some apprentice stuff now." That was a blatant lie. I just needed to leave and walk around the forest for a bit.

Belarus's white-patterned tail rose up immediately. "Really?" She looked at Estonia and Finland with shining eyes. "Can I please go outside to play with Ukraine? Pleeaaassseee???" She begs.

Estonia laughs while Finland answers, "Of course! We'll be here talking, and you must be back in a couple of minutes since it's almost dark." Belarus squeaks and runs out to find her brother.

When she does so, I am confident she'll be alright, so I slip out of camp by myself. No one noticed me leave. I wasn't supposed to go out alone, especially at night, but screw the warrior code. I pad quietly through the remains of the dead leaves from leaf-bare a few moons ago. I let my paws lead me wherever while I think about who my real parents are....but then, I'll probably never meet them. I think about this a lot though. After a couple of minutes of walking absentmindedly and thinking, I take in my surroundings, expecting the familiar Big Tree (No other name oops) to be on my right. But all I see is unfamiliar oak trees.

And then I realize the smell. I was lost in North-South American territory..


I race Canada to our nests in the apprentice's den. Surprise surprise, Mexico is curled up in his nest. Canada and I walk past him casually into our nests, which were next to his until we were warriors or got moved by Argentina. Mexico scowled when we settlef down in our nests. He turns his back on us angrily.

"Yo Canada, dude, I wish that Mexico dude wouldn't blame us for what we didn't even know. That dude must be mentally insane to think a dude like I would lie to a dude like him, and thought that our leader, a dude like Argentina, would be lying only to him. The dude probably must not have realized our expressions, dude. We gotta do something bout that dude." I whisper to Canada, resting my tail on his flank. He seemed more calmed down about Mexico now. Canada nods in response.

"You overused dude but you're right." Canada points out, purring himself to sleep. When I was sure he was sleeping, I stood up and walked out of the den, shaking my fur out as I climbed through a hole in the dense bushes behind the elders den.

I just couldn't sleep some nights, so I usually liked taking walks around our territory without anyone knowing that. Not even Canada! I proceed to pounce on a stray leaf, blown towards me by the wind. But with it came a smell. A scent of a cat that wasn't North-South American. I feel my fur beginning to rise in panic but I flatten it and quiet as a mouse, start going towards the direction the scent came from. I crawl past a lot of trees before I reach the edge of the tiny clearing in the trees. I pause and open my mouth to smell the air. Sure enough, right as I scent him, a cat from another clan pads into the clearing, looking lost as ever, and smelling the ground every now and then. I step down on a twig and it makes a loud crack. I wait for the cat to spot me.


SnAp!! I hear the sound of wood breaking and whirl around, ready to fight. My sharp eyes spot a small cat standing at the edge of the clearing. He flattens his silver-tipped ears. "Need some help home?" He hisses.

My fur bristles. "No I am perfectly fine here! I intended to come here!" I snap.

The cat approaches me. "What are you doing here this late? Planning an attack?" I see his fur clearly now as he growls at me.

"No!" I snarl. "I was just walking around and came here by mistake!"

The cat shakes his head and sighs. "I'm America."

AMERICA? Did he just introduce himself to me? A few seconds ago he was growling his throat out at me! What changed so suddenly? "Russia." I say warily, eyeing America.

"Oh, my brother said you once nearly killed his medicine cat." America points out.

"If you're talking about Fiji then it was an accident." I say.

"Well, you need help getting back to Europe?" America offers.

"Stop acting like we're friends cause we're not." I mutter. A little louder, I say, "but yes, I need help home."

America nods, his eyes flickering. He stands up and flicks his tail, signalling to follow him. Soon enough, we're at the European border. I cross, and then so does America. I can just sense how he wants to talk to Britain about this. Dumb American apprentice.

"I'm fine on my own, thank you." I say coldly, shoving America to his side of the border.

"A thank you would be appreciated. But alright, I'll talk to Argentina instead." He whips around and starts stalking away.

"W-Wait!" I call out. America pauses and looks back.

"Yessss?" He asks.

"I'm sorry- thanks for bringing me here- but PLEASE don't tell anyone about this?" I beg. I roll over into my back, knowing Britain said that's how some animals do their submissive positions. I hear America stifling a purr. "Please, I beg you! I'm sorry!" I continue humiliating  myself until America puts his tail to my mouth.

"Shut up mouse-brain." He purrs. "I won't tell anyone about this."

I sigh in relief. "Thank you!" My tone turns hard again. "But we're still not friends. Now bye." Before I turn and go, I see America with the same grinning expression turn and bound away back to his camp. I decide to avoid more trouble and just secretly return to camp.

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