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Wake up wake up! I looked up and it was cerise. Oh my God shut up cerise. I turned around and went back to sleep. She littarly had to drag me out of bed to wake me up. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth took a shower and came downstairs to eat breakfast. All of ever after was crowded along some table and they were watching a tutorial on how to build a float. I rolled my eyes and cut everyone in line I grabbed my food and ate it in a minute. After that, I dashed into the gymnasium to build my float. I decided to make a pathway, and have red riding hood cardboard version sitting picking flowers and grannys cottage far away. And over it I put random gushes of grey and white wind going over the whole float. As if the float were a basket. Oh my gosh said apple, you float is beautiful! Just like your destiny. When you eat cerise and woodchoper cuts you. But nobodys knows your still alive- yeah yeah apple I shrugged. She looked puzzled and then she came up on the float. She grabbed a BIG 4 peices of cardboard and started cutting. When I went to the bathroom I saw lizzie and maddie, laughing away. I went back to my float and when I came back apple was putting up trees in my backround. I wanted to tell her thank you sooooo much but I just said "thanks" next I was putting gemstones on my float. I saw lizzie and maddie walk in. Maddie hopped on the top of her float and got stuck, then everyone had to save her it was hilarious. Ding ding ding! I turned around and left for first period. Hey dad I shrugged, hello Ramona sweetie he said. Raven came and sat up right next to me. I was chewing mint gum and was staring at a girl named kitty Cheshire. What's with the death stare raven giggled. I looked up from kitty and looked at raven, just nevermind I said. Raven opens her evil book and all i saw was pages of drawings. Raven was working on another drawing I looked closer at it and it was the forsest there was a little wolf sitting infront of the forest with a girl in a black cloak she was just staring at the wolf. RAMONA! Shouted mr. Badwolf, what!? I asked pay attention he yelled. I got up from my chair and walked up to him and said "we both know I'm the best in this class, so dad... why bother? I shot an evil grin at him and sat on top of my desk. After class I went to decorate my locker i put some feathers at the top and put some pictures of wolves over it. Miss wolf, great to see you I turned around and it was mr. Grimm. I closed my locker door and put a foot up agianst it. Yeah why? I responded. Because, I heard you ordered a new door for your dorm. That's right.. I said now I must ask is this door school appropriate? Yes, yes it is I said. The door I ordered had a crescent moon on it and it was only for the part that enters my room. Thank you for this useful information miss badwolf I must be going now. Byeee I said. I rolled my eyes and was heading toward the bathroom to fix my hair and I heard dexter charming telling daring all the votings on the mirror net this year and then I heard daring chuckling saying. Let me save you the trouble little bro, I'm fairly certain I'm going to be voted king.. after all I am handsome. I rolled my eyes and fixed my hair, and left the bathroom. When I was walking out I saw apple and raven giggling with eachother, I was so upset that apple c ok old talk to her enemy but I couldn't talk to mine. Hey apple!I said what's up? Oh nothing she smiled just talking about- Raven queen please report to the headmaster's office immediately. Raven groaned closed her locker and left. Apple turned to me and I said "isint raven supposed to be your enemy? You guys should hate eachother! You do realize she POISONS you right!? That sure shut apple up. W-well I guess there's truth- i stopped her. Oh I have to go! Argent text I lied. Oh okay... spell ya later she said. After 3rd period it was time to finish our floats. I saw cerise and her float was cute it also had that in a basket idea. A few minutes later I started texting Justine when i looked up and i saw cerise on the stage with some boys. There was sparrow hood, daring and dexter charming, and hunter huntsman. Since imma wolf I have super hearing so I zoomed in on what they were saying. So cerise wanted to join the book all team but sparrow and daring both said no because cerise was a girl. When they said that boy, oh boy was cerise mad! I saw cerise splashing the pizza box in the trash but luckily no pizza was harmed. I grabbed the pizza box and ate 2 slices of pizza that were inside. I was eating from the tallest tower in ever after on the roof and then WOAHHHHHHH! BANG!!! when I looked up I saw that daring charming caught me. I was shocked I couldn't even move. I got myself out of his arms a said "thanks" no problemo he said and grabbed a mirror out of his pocket and uncondishonaly stared into the mirror gazing freely at his blonde hair. Grrr I looked back and it was Cerise. Look sis I tried to say but she toppled ontop of me and started biting and scratching me. I flipped around and pinned her. Hah even though shes my little sis. I'm not losing to a plastic hood. But she would not stop growling I barked at her and then sparrow hood walked in. Oh my God! He shouted and then ran off. Cerises hood was off and even though he's our causin *only through marriage* he doesn't know that shes a wolf. Cerise got up and growled at me I scratched her ear and walked off. When I looked back I saw cerise mumbling how I'm taking her man. I chucked and said "what a Psycho bi*ch. Who's psycho? Asked blondie. Nobody I snapped she looked as if I just told her me and cerises seecret about being sisters. Oh umm... she said would you like to be on my mirror cast she exclaimed. Oh uh sure I said. Yeah she jumped And turned on her mirror pad and said "hello world of ever after! Today we will be talking about lesbian love." Ramona! She turned to me, I jerked oh uhhh I'm not lesbian I'm a little bisexual though. A little asked blondie. Oh well in second grade I liked this girl named rose and she and I were best friends and I had a little crush on her. But then I realized that I'm not lesbian so I stopped liking her. Ramona... are you saying lesbian people shouldn't be? Oh no blondie I'm just saying I shouldn't be lesbian... it's just not for me. So your gay? She asked no I'm not I said. So your lesbian she asked. NO IM STRAIGHT! I barked and groweld harshly at her and walked off. She wimperd and fear and then walked off to interview apple. I saw the three billygoats having their 3rd lunch and I grabbed it and ate all their lunch. Hey they exclaimed!shut up goat I said or I'm goanna serve you as meat for lunch. They all shut up, I walked over to my dorm and grumbled the whole way there when I opened my door and flipped onto my bed. What's wrong? Asked Justine. (Thinking this in head: dang I lied to blondie about who I had a crush on... her name was not rose... it was Justine.) Hello??? Oh yeah I said sorry. She giggled. I saw the mirror cast. Oh yeah total fairy fail I said. I remeber second grade she said. You were my first date, yeah I said and you were mine I said. But we both know it cant be i said. She sighed I know she said. We started kissing but I stopped her. Justine I said we cant do this... I'm sorry I said and walked out. I wiped a tear off my face but then i thought whatever after. Hang on! Justine said, she pulled me back into the room and we did some unspeakable things. DING DING DING! it was the bell we gave our final kisses and we left eachother to go to our next classes. I couldn't stop thinking about Justine. I was so in love with her that I even drew this in my reading journal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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