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Logan took his time getting back to Westchester. He needed the time to think it over, and he didn't want to rush his answer to Steve. For years, Logan had been part of the Avenger's team, but now, they were branching out and considering Logan's experience working with the younger crowd, Steve was asking him to take on something more ... for a younger crowd of hopeful Avengers. It was a lot to ask, really. In addition to the X-Men, Logan was on two Avengers teams, taught at the school, dabbled in X-Force when the need arose - though that was rare while he had his family to account for - and now Steve was asking him to take on a second teaching position too?

That wasn't even figuring in the fact that once again, Mac was pushing for him to come home and he absolutely did not like it when Logan told him that he was home. In Westchester.

When he finally pulled in, he was surprised to have followed Scott and Jean up the drive, and he frowned as he watched them. Especially when Scott waited for him to get out of the Jeep as Jean went in ahead of him. "Hey, Slim," Logan said as he got out, slamming the door shut behind him.

"So what's the story with Captain America?" Scott asked. "Hank said you were caught up there."

"He's askin' a favor, I'm thinkin' it over."

Scott nodded at that. "What kind of favor? Or is this some complicated poker night?"

To Scott's dismay, Logan didn't blow it off as a joke right away, and instead, he stopped and ran a hand through his hair. "He's lookin' for someone to do some evaluations, I think. Trainin' program for new team members. They're a little concerned their team is spread thin with all the crap goin' on with Hydra right now." Logan shrugged and waved it off as much as he could. "Told him I had to think about it."

Scott pursed his lips and his jaw locked down a notch tighter, the muscle near his ear flexing from years of overuse at moments just like this. "K kinda set Jean on a panic attack when she came in," he said, though he was quick to hold up one hand. "Nothing bad. Just ... " Scott couldn't stop the smile in spite of his other concerns. "We're having Hank double check tomorrow, but ..."

"Yeah, I can smell it," Logan agreed, nodding. "Why didn't you have Hank look into it today if K was your early alert?"

"We did," Scott said, frowning at how the subject matter was so easily switched, especially when Steve thought his team was stretched thin. "It's ... a little complicated. We just need to make sure it's all on track. But that's not ... " Scott pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a breath.

He'd meant to tell Logan that he needed to focus on the school with Scott. He'd meant to tell him that Cap was perfectly capable of doing his own training program and that the kids of Xaviers were more in need of his expertise than any new recruits Cap could find ... but instead all that came out was: "I'll talk to you tomorrow after we have a better idea of what's going on with Jean and the baby." But even on saying it, Scott was frowning deeper because he knew that wasn't entirely true. If things were on track, he'd need Logan to step up, and if things weren't on track - he'd still need Logan to step up while Scott took care of Jean and the wreckage that would most definitely follow a confirmed loss.

"Sounds like plan seven thirteen," Logan said off handedly, and Scott shot him a dry look, but didn't really have his heart into starting up anything. Not right now.

The two men were quiet as they headed into the house, and when they got there, their wives were chatting quietly between themselves and the kids looked absolutely worn. All four of them were half-dry and wrapped up in towels - either from swimming or running around in the sprinklers - and James and Rose were sharing a towel and looking as if they were on the verge of nodding off together. The two of them were holding hands - and as always, James was on the left. The twins had always chosen to curl up together like this - and they always held hands the same way when they were close enough to do so - not quite the same as most people did ... and it was apparent that it was entirely subconscious and more common when they were tired.

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