Before the encounter with RWBY

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(A/N) authors note
(Y/n) your name
(Y/t) your tank
Italiaics mean they are on the radio
Just until I get an answer from the people of Wattpad i'll have (Y/n) use the other tanks Halfbreed201 is not using...

It was going to be just a typical mission for these guys, they expected to meet some tanks but not strong though...

Halfbreed201: Alright guys lets send these guys to the gulag!

Ivan: Gauvno Blyat!!! Who took my bottles of vodka!!

Freedomboi: okay the speakers and the 50 cal s. are set and ready! You guys ready?

Everyone else: For (Für) what?

Freedomboi blasts outloud the star spangled banner and everyone screams out loud but for Halfbreed he just simply walked over to Freedomboi and pushed pause from the earrape of the song they were victims from...

Freedomboi: Hey! why did you do that?

Ivan: That song you have as your national anthem hurts my ears- oh my god is that blood!?!

All the sudden they hear howling but it sounded big and snarling...

Otto: vas was zat?

Hans:I dont know but it doesnt sound good.,.

Halfbreed: Alright guys remember our formations?

Freedomboi:RUSH B!!!

Ivan and another person by the name (gamer tag) of Slavgopnik2000. Just face palmed and both said...

Ivan/Slavgopnik: Urod blyat.

And rush they into the enemy....

Ivan was drinking his vodka in his KV-2... Otto suddenly asked him a wierd question....

Otto:Ivan why do you have a red star an dien panzer?

Ivan: The reason why is because it is to help Igor identify me so that he wont hit me with artillery like Vadim did last time...

Fritz over radio: hey ihr alle see that bird in the sky right?

Boris: Ah leave it alone it isnt hurting anybody...

(Y/n): Incoming!!!

The huge bird crashed into the side of (y/t) making a huge scrape on the paint...

(Y/n): Oof!

Halfbreed201: Oh no you don't that's my tank he's riding in!!!!

Halfbreed using the machine gun in his tiny zis30 to fire at the bird but he sadly it did hardly any damage but when he fired his 57mm that the sight to behold...

Ivan: Halfbreed201 you debil!!! You brought both great honor an
the motherland!!!

Suddenly these huge wolves with skull masks attack them...

(Y/n):Fritz you better get in your Ju87!!!

Fritz over the radio:schieße I got in my Bf-109 though... Okay which one?

Halfbreed201: R-2 variant one with the 1000kg bomb...

Boris: Eh, Sergei!!

Sergei: What! What is it!!!

Boris: You still have that hangover?

Sergei: Nyet...

Ivan: Sergei you urod blyat- get into the Yak-9T and support this debil to provide air support for us...

Slavgopnik:Where is my vodka? Ooh* armor piercing vodka rounds for my AA gun... Nice...

Otto is the only one actually doing anything in his Panther A and Freedomboi is just firing his 50 Cal. And his 75mm into these monsters

Otto: Vill Ihre alle shuttings up!!! And help me and this Amerikan for once!

Far into the distance....

Squire's tank driver: Sir you sure this is the right way to the battlefield?

Squire: Yes I'm sure! Do you hear that Yankee of a American and his speaker playing that anthem of theirs and his "superior" 50 Cal. Machine guns

Squire's tank driver: very well sir...

RWBY x Male Warthunder And His DebilsWhere stories live. Discover now