Joining Baco-Beacon!

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After a short while they all meet up at a airstrip because Fritz and Sergei had to land their planes...

Ozpin: So who are you people?

Y/n: I'm Y/n and thats Otto and Fritz and we are the German faction.

Otto and Fritz:Hallo!

Y/n: And theres Boris, Slavgopnik, Ivan, Sergei, and Halfbreed they represent the Russian faction

Them:Davai! Privyet!


Everybody just looked at Halfbreed weirdly and wondered what he said...

Y/n:thats Squire he represents the British faction...

Squire: Hello kind sir!

Ozpin: Hello back to you...

Ivan:I think thats everybody...


Y/n:Oops! Sorry Kaito!

Ozpin: So where are you from?

Y/n: Well, me, Halfbreed and Freedomboi are from America, Squire from Britain I assume, Boris, Ivan and Sergei, I assume are from Russia... And Kaito is from Japan...

Ozpin: Your mechs what are they called?

Squire: They are called "tanks" not sure if you heard of it before...

Ozpin: I'm familiar with the term for it but not the mech... I'd advise you all to becareful with it...

Ivan: How so Mr. Ozpin?

Ozpin: A man by the name of General Ironwood will try to "research" your mechs because we've never seen anything like it...

Halfbreed: Um... Ozpin is it okay we can talk with each other?

Ozpin: Yes it is okay Halfbre- is there another name I can call you by?

Halfbreed: Um.....

Ozpin: Its okay tell me later...

Halfbreed: Okay thank you Mr.Ozpin...

Halfbreed turns around and calls everybody closer...

Halfbreed: Okay we have a huge problem with this Ironwood guy...

Otto: Was du think we should do?

Halfbreed: We can't use modern tanks like M1 Abrams and the Challenger 2 and the T-14 Armata tanks, the Type-10, The Leopard tanks....

Boris: Why can't we show this urod who he is messing with....

Squire: He is right you know.... If this Ironwood lad is able to get his hands on one of our modern tanks and vehicles then its going to be a headache for us...

Y/n: Then that includes the helicopters and the planes and jets...

Ivan: Then what the blyat do you suggest we use?

Halfbreed: I think we should use tanks that countries aren't currently using in their army... THE only time we use modern day vehicles is when we all agree on it. IT will be our last resort, if we can stick to using tanks in the past like WW2 to below the Gulf war vehicles then I think we should be fine....

Otto: Do wir alle agree on this?

Everybody:Yes, Hai,Ja,Da...

Ozpin: I hope you are done talking now because I have a proposition for you all...

Boris: Eh what is it then?

Ozpin: Since where you are from doesn't exist then-

Everybody: HOLD ON!!!

Ozpin: What seems to be the problem?

Y/n: So we aren't on Earth then?!?!

Ozpin: What is "Earth"

Everybody: Crap, Kuso, Blyat, Schiesse, Blimey

Everybody except Ozpin has their hands facepalming or infront of their face...

Squire: If we aren't on Earth then where are we then?!

Ozpin: Your on Remnant in Vale presently...

Squire: Sorry but what was your preposition again...

Ozpin: Since you don't know where you are then you can join my school.

Boris: Heh heh Fu-

Halfbreed elbows Boris on his chest and he stops talking and starts coughing then wheezing...

Freedomboi: Oh come on i'm not joining school again!!!

Boris barely breathing: For once I agree with this Western Spy...

Ozpin: Its a combat school...

Halfbreed: Um, I'll get back to you on that. Hold on...

Once again Halfbreed calls a huddle.

Halfbreed: Okay is anybody hooked on this?

Squire: Well we all don't have anything better to do...

Otto: We all agree

Everybody: Yes...

Y/n: Okay Ozpin you got us hooked on the combat school...

Ozpin: So your joining?

Freedomboi: So when does classes start?

Stay Cheeki Breeki

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