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As the Debils were getting ready to got to bed, (Y/N) asked a question...

(Y/N):Hey Carl, Stanley...

Carl/Stanley: Yes?

(Y/N): Are your names your actual names?

Carl: Nope...

Stanley: Tak...

Ivan: Tak? what does that mean...

Squire: It is a multi language word... It means yes in Polish and no in Indonesian...


Carl: But we aren't in Japan...

Fritz/and Weiss down the hall: JUST GO TO SLEEP/SCHLAFEN!!!


*Le Time-skip Brought to you by Chibi Debils Snoring as Maron is trying to sleep*

As they woke up they went to breakfast before their Initiation. When the reached the Cafeteria everyone stared at them...

(Y/N): Well this isn't weird...

Soon people started to talk about them...

???1: Is that the people with the strange mechs from yesterday?

???2: Yeah, they have some strange mechs i wonder of they're Atlas?

Maron: No they're NOT Atlas..

As Maron was walking to them with her teammates of Storm, Vance, and Cenna.

Cenna: So they're the ones that has the mechs?

Vance: I guess so...


(A/N): For Russian I'm using google translate sorry if you get cringed...


Boris:Eh, A kto eti Debily? (Who are these debils)

Otto: Ich wiess nicht (I do not know)

Carl: I don't know who they are too...

Wiess: This is one of the best teams from Atlas; Team MSVC. With Maron as their leader.

(Y/N): Well nice to meet you ladies...

Storm: So these are the idiots that dare ridicule Atlas?

Kaito: *whispers*Tsundere

Stanley: Das ist nicht gut (this is not good)...

Vance: What are they saying?

Squire: They're speaking Russian and German.

Cenna: So who is their teams?

Fritz: Oh! Wir Haben an Initiation today and we're going to have breakfast now...

Vance: So tell me how does your mech works without dust? And how does it move without tires? What is that barrel cannon on top, why does it have different sizes?

Otto: We use gasoline but it varies to which country you ask. We use sort of a conveyor system that shifts sheet metal plates along the ground. The barrel on top is called the turret. We use different sizes to penetrate different types of mechs or "tanks".

Cenna: Wow. You really know your stuff...

Fritz: Ja, es hilft us to fight other tanks when we fight against them.

RWBY x Male Warthunder And His DebilsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon