Chapter 1

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The hangar at the Avenger's Compound housed the best, most sophisticated, and modern aircrafts and land vehicles you could possibly imagine, so it was a bit disconcerting for Natasha to see an old 70s customized camper van in the mix. It was a 70s Dodge van re-painted silver all over with sleek mechanized falcon wing stickers splashed on each side of its body. Three men stood near the van, their backs to her. The tall blonde guy stood with his hands on his hips, the one with a short brown hair had his arms crossed against his chest as he kept a doubtful glare on the third guy, who looked so excited and animated as he showed off the van to his friends. Natasha shook her head in disbelief but with a playful smirk on her lips.

"I don't care what you say, but she's a beauty!" Sam shouted.

"I'm jealous, Wilson," Natasha teased and continued, "you normally say that about me."

The three men turned to see Natasha strutting towards them in her black, jumpsuit uniform.

"I still say that about you, but sorry, baby girl, not this time," Sam teased as he put his hand on the side of the van and caressed it like he would a woman's backside.

Natasha's smirk widened and said, "How about, I'll let you drive my car, Sam, in exchange of that thing?"

Sam froze, his jaws slightly dropped. Drive the Widow's Corvette? Sam thought, his heart rate rose a bit. For the longest time he had always wanted to drive that car but no one, not even the captain, was allowed behind its steering wheel. So Natasha's unexpected offer of a once in a lifetime opportunity sent his brain into an overload of synapse reactions.

Sam looked to his side and stared at the black 4-wheeled beast, shining and gleaming underneath the hangar's bright lights. It really was the perfect ride for Romanoff, a mechanized representation of the Black Widow --- sleek, beautiful, and unassuming on the outside, with a body of unending curves that would keep your eyes wandering all over it while packing a horsepower level that would leave you breathless, in every sense of the word.

Sam swallowed hard. He looked at Natasha then to Steve and Bucky. Bucky had removed his arms from his chest and tensed a bit too, sympathizing with Sam's predicament, because he too would love to drive that ride. Steve on the other hand, simply tried to hide a knowing smile. Sam looked back at Natasha.

"Rogers told me about your little road trip and I was a bit hurt, Wilson to find out I wasn't invited. But seeing at how you're planning to cross country in that thing, let's just say, we're cool. No hard feelings. I think you guys can do better so I'm offering my car. How about it, Sam? Want to cross the country in style?"

Steve and Bucky turned to Sam. Bucky now had the same knowing smile on his face. He knew, Natasha was playing Sam and he was loving every second of it. He knew Sam had been planning their road trip for months now and it was a crucial part of the plan, since the beginning, that he would do it old-school style. Because according to Sam Wilson, it ain't road trip unless you're in a 1970s camper van with a sunroof.

"Yeah, Wilson, how about the Corvette? I mean, it can still be a road trip in a 4-seater car, right? With what, 500... 600 horsepower?" Bucky chimed in.

"Six-fifty actually," Natasha corrected Bucky with angst and a playful wink at his direction. "It's a perfect roadtrip car, Wilson. Unless of course, you three are expecting to engage in an activity that would require all that space at the back ---"

"Hell no," Sam said quickly and in a slightly high pitch, his eyes darting back and forth to Steve and Bucky. "I mean, I don't know what you're talking about."

Steve finally let out a chuckle while Bucky released a boisterous laugh. Sam put his hands on his hips but obviously looked uncomfortable at what Natasha was insinuating.

"It may be a bit crammed," Natasha continued and threw a glance to her car. "But it's still manageable in a Corvette, you know. Just make sure you lay out a blanket first so you won't ruin the upholstery and in case either one of you don't like the feel of leather on your skin ----"

"No, thanks, Romanoff," Sam cut her off. "My classic '70s roadtrip van will do just fine." Sam stuck out his tongue at Natasha and opened the back of the van to start loading their provisions. Bucky was still laughing, holding his stomach as he did.

"Yo, sergeant Winter what's your face! Quit laughing and help me load the coolers!"

Bucky walked to Sam's position but he did not stop laughing. He actually continued teasing Sam.

Natasha's smirk turned into a full smile. Steve walked to her.

"You're going to be okay, right?" Steve asked her, a worried smile on his face.

"I could ask you the same thing," Natasha replied with a chuckle and nodded to where Sam and Bucky were. Steve watched his two friends bicker and suddenly wished he was going with Natasha on her mission rather than getting stuck with those two guys in a van, on a long road, for several days.

Steve and Natasha watched as Sam shove a gallon container of motor oil to Bucky.

"Here, stash one of these in case you get thirsty," Sam said.

"Ha-ha, funny," Bucky replied but did put the motor oil in the van beside the tool box.

Steve released a heavy sigh then turned back to Natasha.

"Is there any chance I can tag along with you instead?" Steve asked her with his puppy eyes and boyish grin.

"Sorry, handsome. Not this time," Natasha said and laughed. "Besides my mission is going to be boring and I don't want you to miss out on all the fun with those two."

Steve shook his head but smiled at Natasha. He hated it when she had to go on solo missions even though he knew she can take care of herself just fine. He reached out a hand brushed a strand of her red curls behind her ear.

"Can you please make sure that that classic piece of junk is tuned up? I trust Wilson in combat but I cannot say the same when it comes to his other life decisions. It's a long road to Grand Canyon and you don't want that disintegrating into pieces ---"

"I think that has way better chances of making it all the way to the Canyon in one piece compared to my sanity," Steve said making Natasha laugh out loud again. He looked at her with concern. Natasha turned a bit serious.

"I'll be fine, Rogers," Natasha said with a soft smile. "You boys have fun, okay? And after all of this, we'll plan our own little road trip."

"I'll hold you on to that, Romanoff," Steve said with a teasing tone. He sighed again and pulled Natasha into a hug. He buried his face in hair and whispered, "Check in as often as you can, please."

"Yes, captain," Natasha whispered back as she took in his scent and savored the sensation of being flushed against his chest. She hugged him back.

After a few moments, they pulled away from each other. Natasha tiptoed and gave Steve a kiss on the lips, which he gladly returned. Then she turned and got in her Corvette. She gave him one last smile before closing the door. Steve watched the Corvette disappear behind the hangar doors. .

He walked to join Sam and Bucky in loading the van. Bucky picked up a blanket, unfolded it and for no reason at all, draped it all over Sam's head.

"What the hell, Barnes!"

"We don't need as many blankets, Wilson. Like what Nat said, we can warm each other ---"

"Shut up, greasy! Get your head out of the gutter will you? Romanoff's already rubbing off onto you."

"Hmmm... as her trainer back in the day, I think it's the other way around ---"

"Just shut, man," Sam said with a scowl.

Bucky tried to stifle a laugh.

Steve took a deep breath and said, "Oh, boy."

Team Cap Goes on a Road TripWhere stories live. Discover now