Chapter 5

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After Steve had his fill of driving the Corvette, Sam and Bucky took turns in the driver's seat. Steve and Natasha were more than happy to spend the entire trip cuddling and making out in the backseat. Normally, Steve would be uncomfortable doing it with Sam and Bucky around but two were too engrossed with the car, the road, the speed, the sights, that they ignored him and Natasha altogether.

The two cranked up the radio's volume and sang their hearts out. Steve was actually surprised to hear Bucky belt out songs from this century. Then after a couple 90s hiphop song popped up, Sam was sure he successfully converted Bucky into the genre. Goodbye jazz!

One and half days later, the Corvette finally swung in front of their cabin somewhere in the northern rim of the canyon, fifty kilometers from the park. Bucky didn't tell the others but he actually asked Shuri's help in booking the cabin online. He told her to find a nice, comfortable spot with not much tourists.

"Nice job, Buck, finding this place," Steve said as he marveled at the not too shabby interiors of their cabin.

"Thanks," Bucky said sheepishly while reminding himself to send Shuri a thank you message later.

It was already eight in the evening so they all decided to go straight to their cabin to rest and reload on energy for their whole day exploring the next day. According to Sam, Bucky had an amazing plan prepared, including star gazing and rafting. Bucky only gave them a shy smile as Sam boasted his plan to Steve and Natasha.

The cabin had two rooms, a master suite and a smaller one with two queen sized beds. Steve and Natasha took the master suite, while Sam and Bucky shared the other one.

"Good job, Rogers," Natasha whispered to Steve. They were finally on bed and in each others arms.

Steve kissed her on top of her head and replied, "It was all you, sweetheart. Like what they said, all I did was sulk in the back seat and report to you."

Natasha giggled and settled deeper into Steve's embrace. After a few minutes, they both finally fell asleep.

In the other room, Sam was having a hard time falling asleep. He was physically exhausted but his mind was still racing with the events of the past days. Plus the fact that he felt giddy about everything. He looked at Bucky who seemed to be already asleep but he was sure he wasn't yet.

"Let's agree, Barnes," Sam said softly, "whenever we would feel like we want to whack each other on the head, we'd remind ourselves of what Nat and Steve did for us this past week, okay?"

"Agreed," Bucky mumbled back, a soft smile lined his lips. Sam didn't see it but he knew it was there.

Finally, sleep came and claimed them.

The next day, after breakfast they went straight to tick off the first activity in Bucky's Grand Canyon Adventure Itinerary --- hiking. After what happened to Bucky in the 40s, he would be forgiven if he admitted that he was afraid of heights. Well, he was, a little bit, but he trudged on, clasping Steve's or Natasha's hands whenever his knees would wobble once in a while. Bucky knew it was a great opportunity for him to conquer that fear and a wave of pride and gratitude came over him when he reached the top. He didn't exactly remember why he had always wanted to come here, but as he behold the marvelous land formations in front of him, he realized his reasons didn't matter anymore, he was just glad that he did.

Sam saw Bucky by the edge, panting. He walked to his side and clapped him on the back. They beamed at each other, making a silent promise to watch out for other each other until the end of the line.

Steve and Natasha soon joined them.

"You know," Natasha said, "Vegas is just around the corner."

Sam and Bucky turned to look at her with childlike excitement in their eyes.

"Our leave is up, Nat," Steve reminded her.

"Don't worry, I'll fix that with one phone call," Natasha said and winked at him.

"And what are we going to do there?"

"Oh, lots of things. Sam and Bucky can lose big time at the gametables, they can hit on as many girls as they want, we can watch different shows, we can try to score free drinks at the bars, we can get married ---,"

"Riiiight," Steve chuckled and looked back at the mountains.

Sam and Bucky both gasped and held their breath. They looked at Natasha and saw her smiling, patiently waiting for Steve to catch on at what she said. Then after a few moments, he finally did. Steve's brows furrowed, his eyes fluttered and he looked like someone who was trying to remember whether or not he left the stove on. He slowly looked at Natasha again.

Natasha widened her smile at him, raising both of her eyebrows, encouraging, assuring him.

"Did you just propose to me?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I did. What do you think? Let's get married."

Steve stared at her. He was trying to process what was happening and he kept telling himself that it was not the 40s anymore, so of course, Natasha could pop the question just like any other man. Her green eyes sparkled and Steve also noticed that her cheeks were flushed. Steve was sure it wasn't because of the sun or the heat.

Actually, the idea had already been swirling in his mind lately but he was over-thinking things, like where and when to ask her, that it prevented him from making any move. He sought the internet's help but most of the video proposals he saw were too grand, too flashy, and unnecessarily too public. So he blamed the internet for making him insecure and crippling him with too much pressure to make sure everything was perfect.

But now, as he stared into Natasha's eyes, Steve couldn't ask for any other perfect moment, because there, right at that moment, everything was perfect. He held both of her hands and finally smiled at her, giving her her favorite charming, boyish, and a little naive smile of his.

"Yes. Let's get married," Steve said.

Natasha flung her arms around Steve's neck and clung onto him as he picked her up and twirled her around. They both couldn't stop laughing as they whispered 'I love yous' to each other.

Sam and Bucky cheered on, throwing their fists in the air then dancing around the couple. They put an arm around each others' shoulders, faced the canyon and shouted, "Best road trip ever!"

A/N: Thanks for reading! I thought I won't be writing anything before Avengers: Endgame comes out, but here were are! :) 

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