Chapter 3

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After assuring Natasha that they were fine, Steve amused himself and passed the time by chatting with the couple in front of the RV. Steve learned that the couple were on their way to California to visit their children and grandchildren. They're from Chicago and usually took the long roadtrip to the west coast at least twice a year. He forced himself to engage the couple in as much conversation as he could, not even shying away when his relationship with Natasha was brought up, so just he would have an excuse to not deal with Sam and Bucky.

The two sat apart in the RV, sulking in their own ways. Bucky would glance at Sam once in a while to check on him because Bucky was sure Sam would be the most affected by their misfortune knowing how emotionally invested he was in this trip. Sam however, never once removed his eyes off from the floor. He would sigh deeply once in a while but nothing more.

It took them three more hours to reach the next town. It could have been two if the old man didn't drive like well, like an old man. The RV parked at a motel fifteen minutes away from the interstate and Steve got them a room. The elderly couple did too, saying that they miss sleeping on a real bed after being on the road for a couple of days.

Steve slept on the extra mattress on the floor between the two beds, between Sam and Bucky. He really hoped that the two would find a way around their issues during their drive in the RV but Steve was disappointed to see that they didn't. Well, at least they're not biting each others' head off now, Steve thought.

The next morning, Bucky woke up and saw Steve's mattress empty but his sheets already neatly folded so Bucky relaxed, knowing that Steve probably just went out for a run or breakfast or both. It was half past eight already. Bucky sat up, rubbing his eyes and read a message on his phone. It was from Steve telling them he'd wait for them in the diner across the motel for breakfast.

Bucky looked at Sam who was still sleeping. He remembered how depressed Sam looked last night and it made Bucky want to punch himself. He was embarrassed at how he acted and reacted towards Sam throughout the trip. Sam was a great guy, that he knew, and he really felt silly at the hostility he has thrown at him just for being close to his best friend. He remembered Natasha saying, "What's wrong with Rogers having two best friends?" Bucky knew the answer was 'nothing' but something inside him that he didn't think he had, clouded his thinking and flagged Sam as a hostile to his friendship with Steve. "It's called possessiveness," Natasha informed him, "and it's ugly, James."

Bucky shook his head at the thought. Natasha was right. She was always right. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Steve having other friends than him. A small smile flashed across Bucky's lips, a renewed strength and hope warming his heart. It wasn't late to find a friend in Sam. Bucky walked over to Sam's bed and lightly tapped the guy, waking him up.

Sam lazily opened his eyes and sat by the edge of his bed. His struggled to keep his heavy eyelids open, but thanks to Bucky's incessant shuffling around the room, Sam eventually found himself awake. As soon as his consciousness took over, he remembered last night, the sight of their van in the middle of nowhere. Sam slumped his shoulders and sighed.

Bucky didn't say anything. Well, he couldn't because he was brushing his teeth. So he just showed Sam Steve's message. Sam nodded in understanding and fixed his bed. Sam took a shower while Bucky patiently waited watching the TV. Sam emerged from the bathroom.

"Hey," Bucky said softly and turned off the TV. Sam didn't face him, instead he continued packing his things. But Bucky continued, "sorry about last night. I guess, I was just tired ---,"

"We both were," Sam cut him off and finally turned around to face him. "Look, I really don't know why we keep seeing red when we look at each other ---,"

Team Cap Goes on a Road TripOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora