Chapter 2

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For the longest time, Sam has always wanted to go on a road trip, specifically along Route 66, and for the longest time, Bucky has always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. Seeing how both can be done at the same time, Steve tried to help out by securing a two-week leave for the three of them. He thought they would have better chances if Captain America himself would ask for it. But he was wrong. Fury denied his request at first, stating that the three of them on a long holiday at the same time was a security risk.

Sam and Bucky were disheartened by the news but nevertheless were grateful that Steve still tried. So, they pushed their dream vacation in the back burner and resigned to the fact that it might never come true. For Sam, it was both funny and sad that the probability of them going up north to space to fight aliens was higher than going on a 2,000-mile road trip west.

Then one day Fury called them in and handed them their leave requests with 'Approved' stamped in red ink across them. They looked at Fury with disbelief.

"For the record, I still believe this is a terrible idea, but, I was persuaded that it won't be a problem," Fury said firmly.

"Thank you," Steve said.

Sam and Bucky didn't waste any time, especially Sam. They divided the planning and tasks - Sam took care of their road trip plans, like stopovers and what not, while Bucky took care of the things once they reach Grand Canyon, like activities and lodgings. They were both so excited that they didn't bother to question why Fury changed his mind all of a sudden. But Steve knew.

The only other person who knew of their plan was Natasha and if there was someone who had the guts and was crazy enough to try to persuade Fury, it would be her. Steve didn't have to ask her about it to confirm. Her pleased and cocky smile at him when he broke the news to her was enough to confirm his theory. He simply took her into his arms and took her breath away with a deep, passionate kiss to show his gratitude.

Steve was probably one of the handful of people who saw right through Natasha; that behind the detached and cold facade was someone who cared, who can sympathize with the people around her. But right now, a part of Steve wished that Natasha rather didn't care that much about their little plan, that she didn't give a damn or didn't feel like she had to do something when she saw Sam and Bucky's long faces when Fury crushed their dreams. Because now, four days into their journey, Steve discovered that virtues like patience do have their limit and that his, unlike his body was so easy to exhaust.

"I can't believe you missed the exit again, Wilson," Bucky said, frustrated.

"If you just stopped yapping at me about changing lanes, I wouldn't be so distracted!" Sam shouted in his defense.

"Great! We'd be sleeping in the van again. Are you sure you're not missing the exits on purpose?"

"What are you talking about, Barnes!? Can you please just shut up!"

Two days ago, Sam missed their exit to a small town in Missouri where they were planning to spend the night. So left with no choice they continued on the road despite all of them already running on fumes, until Steve decided they stop and have a couple hours of sleep by the side of the road. Actually Steve or Bucky could still drive, thanks to their super human stamina, but he actually liked the idea that all of them were awake during the day to share the trip, the company, the scenery, etc. He didn't want either him or Bucky, especially Bucky, to sleep through the day and miss out on the trip just because they were alternating as night driver. So they all slept at night and stayed awake during the day, which lately, Steve was regretting due to the two's constant bickering.

"There's another small town up ahead, couple of hours out. Let's camp there," Sam said, a bit more composed.

Bucky just sighed and leaned his forehead on the window. He looked at the moon and took comfort in the thought that its faint glow was its way of telling him, "I feel you, brother". He hated that Steve insisted that he sit in front with Sam. It was an unsaid rule that out of respect to Steve's rank, he always called shotgun, without even actually, verbally calling it. Bucky knew Steve's ulterior motive was so he and Sam could 'bond' more. He perfectly understood it but boy, he hated it. Bucky released a huge and long sigh.

Team Cap Goes on a Road TripTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang