Chapter 4

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Two and a half hours later, the old couple dropped the three in front a cafe.

"They're adorable," Sam said as he watched the RV disappeared back on the highway and then followed Steve and Bucky inside the cafe. They sat down and Steve and Bucky surveyed the menu. They just had breakfast but Sam understood that the two's super human stamina also meant super human metabolism and super human hunger pangs, thus their need for five to six full meals a day.

"So what now?" Bucky asked after their orders arrived ten minutes later.

"First, we find a ride and before you say it, no, it doesn't have to be a camper van. Any ride with four working tires will do," Sam replied.

"Then we find a grocery store and re-stock supplies," Bucky followed up as he took a huge bite off his sandwich. Sam nodded in agreement.

"We might actually have to call Hill," Sam said, "just to secure the van."

"You're not really planning to keep that piece of --- "

Bucky stopped as Sam pointed a teaspoon at him in warning. "Go ahead, grandpa, finish that sentence."

"Still with the old man jokes? It's getting boring, Wilson."

"Oh, okay. No problem, I'll start with my metal and rust ones."

Steve tensed up and at the same time realized that it was the first time he felt his stress levels went haywire again in the last 24 hours. The two seemed to be starting another bout of bickering that sent Steve's stomach tying itself in a knot. He had never been this stressed outside the battlefield. He just told Natasha the two were finally doing very well and now he was realizing he might have called it too soon. Steve looked back and forth at the two and let out an internal sigh of relief when they started laughing. It startled Steve at first but then he slowly joined in the laughter too, his anxiety ebbing away.

"Care to join us, Steve?" Sam asked.

"Sorry, I don't have metal and rust jokes," Steve replied chuckling as he sipped his coffee.

"Not in that. In the plans. Care to chip in?"

"Oh, about that. Nope, not really. Seems like you two have it all figured out," Steve teased them. Then Steve's phone buzzed. Sam took it out and seeing it was a message from Natasha, handed it to Steve.

Steve read her message, "I'm outside the sandbox. Want to see the castle."

Steve typed in his response as a familiar huge smile lined his lips. It was too familiar that Sam and Bucky didn't bother to say anything anymore, not even a tease because they knew it would be useless. They just smiled and shook their heads at him, accepting their defeat, that nothing would keep the lovebirds apart.

After hitting send, Steve looked at Sam and Bucky like a dad thinking how to break a surprise to his sons, afraid that they might not take it well. He propped his arms on the table, leaned in and sighed, "Guys, whatever happens, I want you to know I'm so happy you two seemed to have finally figured out your issues and are on your way to becoming really good friends."

"Thanks, Steve," Sam and Bucky chorused. But then Bucky's brows furrowed and asked, "Wait, what do you mean whatever happens?"

Steve didn't have to answer as a familiar voice echoed behind Sam and Bucky.

"Hi, boys."

Sam and Bucky turned to look and saw Natasha. Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened. They didn't speak as Natasha sat beside Steve and they started kissing.

"I missed you," Steve whispered as soon as Natasha pulled away to take a breath.

"Me too, sweetheart," Natasha whispered back and planted a peck on his lips before sitting herself comfortably beside him.

Team Cap Goes on a Road TripWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu