Female #12: Yukiko Scarlet [Clove_Thenardier]

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Full Name: Yukiko (Yuki) Scarlet

Pronunciation: You-kick-oh (You-key)

Age: Four years old. (But soon she'll be five and practically a grown up.)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Yuki has straight black hair that's so long, it goes all the way down to her belly button! She bets no one else in kindergarten will have hair that long. She has fair skin that, according to Momma, doesn't tan (whatever that means) and huge brown eyes.

Personality: Yuki isn't a fan of strangers. If she's stuck in a place with a lot of strangers, she'll hold on tight to either Momma's hand, Mama's hand or Akira's hand. She's very quiet in front of people she doesn't know, but bubbly with people she does know. Yuki likes it sing and dance a lot, especially to songs from kids movies, with a particular fondness for princess movies.

Background: Yuki knows she's very lucky, because her family is special: All of her friends only have one mother and one daddy, but Yuki has her Momma and her Mama and her Daddy and she has her big sister Akira too. She's heard other people call Momma and Mama lesbians but she isn't entirely sure what it means. She assumes it means the best mothers in the whole world.

Fears: Fires and dogs and heights. They're just so big and scary!

Other: Yuki doesn't like to go on big rides unless Akira sits next to her because big rides are scary

Writer's Games: CarnivalWhere stories live. Discover now