Male #12: James Smith [SimplyComplicated_] *DEAD*

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Name: James Smith

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: James is of average appearance. He's not tall, but short either. He's not skinny or fat. He's not incredibly handsome, but you wouldn't call him ugly. He's just another face in the crowd. His dark hair is just long enough to always get in his eyes, but he refuses to cut it. This is solely because his mother constantly pesters him about it and he enjoys the attention he gets from her pointing it out. His green eyes are a dull gray and his skin is fairly pale. His nose a little crooked from the time he tried to dive into the shallow end of the pool, but that's another story for another time.

Personality: James is an all-out attention seeker. He is loud and obnoxious, and will do crazy things, including acts that could kill or permanently injure him, if it means that someone will pay attention to him. He doesn't have many friends for this reason, which only makes him more desperate to get someone to look at him. Its a cycle that only continues to get worse as the years go on. He isn't really much outside of that. He'll have time to learn who he is once the world knows who he is.

Background: James comes from an average family. He lives an average life, and goes to an average school, with other average students. But that's his problem. Everything about him is just, average. Even his name is normal. No one notices his him, and he hates that. James wants to do something with his life. He wants to do something big, something special. He came to the Carnval with plans that would leave him remembered for centuries, but even that plan was screwed up, because someone else decided to lock them all inside for whatever reason. Obviously that would be getting much more press coverage than his original plans, so James would just have to suffer through blending in a little longer.

Fears: James has a fear of being forgotten, a fear of running out of time, and in a larger sense death, and as cliche as it sounds, a fear of spiders. Its irrational, and is blown completely out of proportion, but its one of the few things that he doesn't have to try to make a scene for. Just talking about them gives him shivers.

Other: James snuck into the Carnival because they would never have allowed him to come in with the materials he needed for his big spectacle. Some of these include rope, water bottles filled with gasoline, matches, a hammer, and a flashlight, among some other things which he has stored in his bag and pockets.

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