Semi Finals: Reflections

149 9 40

The six remaining tributes of the carnival are left, trapped inside of the funhouse. Each tribute is trapped in a certain room, maybe tied to something or confined in the smallest of spaces. They all take a very brief moment to remember those who passed away on their journey inside of the funhouse: Zach Forrester, Arwen Black, Cleopatra Carmen and Maxine Carlos.

Atilius smiles at the number of people succumbing to the carnival. Callisto is waiting for the action to start, but they need to finish a bit of work first. Sayuri wants these tributes to feel the pain as much as they can. Not just physically – they already feel that – but mentally too.  

Atilius thinks it would be a great idea if they had just a moment to think about their time here, their time before they were trapped in this deadly place, ruled over by three of the cruellest adults known to man. Atilius is going to let them reflect on their past without having the risk of someone killing them in the process.

Callisto moves a few controls; the next thing the remaining six know is that random machines begin to grab at their ankles, pull them away from any means of safety. This is where the tributes will tell their story to the cameras inside of the room, without interruption.

This is where the real world will learn something about them.

Because what they don’t know is that this entire event has been broadcast on the television all along, and that the three of them had the permission of he government to torture thirty people for the entertainment of others.


Congratulations to: Aspen Facine, Eleanor Lennon Mercer, Perdita Desdemona, Morgan Griffin, Yukiko Scarlet and Viola Fern Rigby! Welcome to the semi-finals!


Share your story. Simple. This is one of those really creative tasks that have nothing too restrictive about them. It can be written as if it’s being said to the cameras, or as a flashback – anything! Surprise me!

Well, there’s one twist. You have to write the piece with a song in mind. Luckily for you, as someone who doesn’t listen to music that many of you would want to listen to, I’m going to let you choose your songs. Write your story to a song of your choice.

Whether the story is about a childhood memory, a moment in the carnival or anything n between, I don’t mind. This is all up to you. There will also be no kills in these entries.


Like many other games, there will be byes. This is the semi finals – I want to choose two people two people to go through. The other four will be up for votes. Scores don’t matter anymore – your place in the final depends on this piece only.


10pm BST, Wednesday, 12th November. Good luck!

Writer's Games: CarnivalHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin