Finals: The Art of Escaping

140 8 27

"Into the funhouse you go," Atilius commands; Sayuri pushes the drugged man the house and slams the door behind her. "We don't have much time. That bastard got ahold of a phone. We need to scram."

"We can't leave wihout Callisto," Sayuri moans, looking around for the taller man. She swiftly decides against looking or him. "C'mon, let's just go." The two of them sprint off, leaving the six contestants behind; two have been brutally ripped apart and four remain as harmless as harmless can be in this place.


I'd say I'm up for a lot of dialogue, but I'm in so much pain so nah.

Yukiko Scarlet

Viola Fern Rigby

Morgan Griffin


Aspen Facine

Congratulations on making it this far in the Carnival.

It's devastating to see Eleanor Lennon Mercer and Perdita Desdemona leave us. I'm sorry that you didn't get through.


There are four of you left, and now that the police have been alerted about this event - despite being televised - they're taking action and trying to track Atilius, Sayuri and Calisto. You are still trapped in the funhouse.

Now, this is the finals and it's probably obvious what's going to have to be done. You have the chance to escape - and you take the chance in the hopes that you can be the one to make it.

Yes, only one person can make it out alive.

Oris is dressed as a clown, and Callisto is in the carvinal instructing Oris. Oris will attempt to kill everyone now that only Callisto is left. There's a little twist though.

Oris is the good guy, and no one wants to kill him. You are to suspect that Callisto is in the suit, and you have to kill the clown yourself. After the murder of the clown, you need to reveal the person and then find out that it's Oris.

The entry is to finish with you leaving the gates of the Carnival and finding your loved ones there - and the families of the other three contestants.


Everyone but you dies. Whether it's a suidice or someone else kills them (including Oris the clown) or you kill them, it doesn't matter.


None. Write as much as you want. Write me a 50k entry if you feel inclined to do that.


10pm BST, 20th November. Sorry that this is not too long, but I'm gonna be super busy from after this. Good luck, and congratulations!

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