Chapter 2: Electricity

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Monse POV:

I wonder if he ever feels the connection and electricity when we touch. Stop thinking like this Monse he's into Olivia. "Hey you good", I ask. "Yeah, it's just something", he replies, " You know if you never need to get something outta your chest you can tell me your my best friend". Uh, I hate calling him my best friend when I'm still in love with him. But he's with my only girlfriend and I'm not gonna risk it. I look through the corner of my eye and see Cesar and Olivia wrapped in each other's arms and nose to nose. I get this sick feeling in my stomach and I hate it because I'm the one who told him to be with her. "Hey guys, you know there's a quince that's gonna start soon, SO CHOP CHOP, let's go", yells Ruben. "Okay, so Olivia go to your room to get yourself ready and prepped, Cesar and Monse go and get the final things that we need from the store, and Jamal goes outside to help them. Oh my god, we're gonna go somewhere together, what if he makes things awkward between our friendship, or what if... My bubble of thought is stopped by a familiar warm hand that brings electricity to me go on my shoulder. Cesar asks, "You good Monse, come on we need to go and get the last minute things." I reply with a cool and calm, "Yeah, it was nothing now let's go. We start walking side by side and there's only silence. Until...

(You see what I did, i'm gonna make it a cliff hanger and comment down below what you want it to be:

1) Cesar's lips

2) Spooky

3)The Prophets

4)Random whatever you want write down

Luv y'all

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