Chapter 6: Sorrow

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Cesar POV:

There was so much blood. It was all my fault if only I killed Latreille like I was supposed to, but no I didn't and now my two best friends were trying to live. I carry Ruby right inside the ambulance with tears streaming down my face because the two people I love almost died. Monse and I try to reach out to Jamal but he never answers. Then I get a text from Spooky saying he finished the job. I take Monse and hug her while we're both sobbing for Ruby and Olivia. "This is all my fault", I think to myself or at least I thought. If I would have just killed Latrelle as everyone asked then nobody would have been killed even if I would have lost my sanity. As I keep thinking out of nowhere I feel electricity going through my veins which only means that Monse is holding my hand. She tells me that, "You know it's not your fault, right it's Oscar's fault for asking you a 14-year-old to kill someone and it would have killed you inside. You didn't shoot Ruby or Olivia they just happen to be in the way, they'll be okay....¨ But shes soon cut off by Jamal running in the hospital sweaty, dirty, and with panic in his eyes, he spots us and runs towards us.¨We called you where were you?¨ we ask. ¨Nowhere important now what happened I just heard hospital and came rushing here. Are Ruby and Olivia okay, Oh my god something bad happened, AHHHHHH¨ Jamal asks. ¨Calm down we called you, ruby and Olivia got shot by Laterelle.¨ He sits down besides us and we all stay quiet and wait with the family for any news about either Ruby or Olivia.

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