Chapter 2 - Reminiscing

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Louis's POV

Last night was amazing!  I saw Taylor, and she actually remembered me. I thought she had forgotten because we didn't really answer my emails anymore. But then, she was on tour. I knew how it felt to have concerts night after night after night.

Harry had always had a bit of a celebrity crush on Taylor, but now that he actually knows her, I'm afraid it will turn into something more.

I was so deep in thought that I wasn't even watching the movie. The lads and I were all hanging at Liam's flat watching movies.

Harry suddenly yelled out, "I'm bored. Louis, call Taylor."

Ten minutes later, I opened the door to see Taylor and Abigail. I jumped on Abigail, giving her a huge hug.

"Abigail! I haven't seen you in forever!" I screamed.

"Seven years, to be exact," she laughed.

Abigail decided to embarrass Taylor and say, "Taylor was miserable the first week or two after you left. She said there was no one to make her laugh."

I introduced her, "Guys, this is Abigail. Abigail, this is Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry."

Taylor said, "Where's Eleanor? She's so nice."

I pouted a bit as I said, "She had to fly back home for her exams."  I was going to miss her so much!  We never got to spend any time together anymore.  We were always performing or going to interviews or signings.  But then, this is what I’ve asked for since I could remember.  Now I would have to pay the price.

We decided to talk and get to know each other better.

But then Zayn piped up with "Taylor, you know that Harry watches all your videos, right?"

Harry flushed a bright shade of pink while Taylor just laughed.  "Well if it makes you feel any better, Harry, I watched all of your X-Factor videos online too."

Then Taylor said, "Oh! I almost forgot. I have the last concert of the Speak Now tour this Friday right here in Nashville. Do you guys want to be my surprise guests? James Taylor will be there."  Really?  She actually wanted us to perform with her?  I’m so excited!  It seems like yesterday I was listening to her debut CD and wondering if she even remembered me.

Liam said, "We're free Friday, so we'll be honored to go."

I realized something. "Your dream is finally coming true, isn't it? You've always wanted to play with James Taylor."

She looked so excited as she replied, "I know! This is everything I ever dreamed of!"

I replied, "I told you that you would be famous singer someday."

Abigail said to me, "And I told you that you would be a famous singer someday."

Niall asked Abigail, "So how did you guys get to know one another?"

Abigail said, "Well Taylor sat next to me in English class. We just got together so well because we were the most cynical people ever."

Taylor said, "I sat next to Louis in math class and none of us were very good at Algebra. We just told jokes the entire class."

I added, "Then at lunch, Taylor introduced us and we just all got along well."

Zayn asked, "Did you have any friends before high school?"

Taylor said, "Not really, because the other kids thought it was weird that I liked country music. But when I moved to Hendersonville, people were a lot more accepting. Abigail introduced me to some of her friends."

Then Liam said, "Louis! You never told us that you moved to America for two years!"

I shrugged. "You never really asked me."


It was the first day of school. I sat down in my first class, drama, hoping to make some new friends.  I just moved here from Doncaster, so I had to leave all my old friends there while I moved to this town in the U.S. called Hendersonville for two years.  My dad got some kind of new job here.  I didn’t want to go the entire school year without any friends!  That would be a disaster!

I’m glad that my first class was drama, because I loved drama.  I either wanted to be a singer or a drama teacher.  It was the first day of school, so we weren’t really doing anything.  The teacher was telling us about her and about the class.  I tried to pay attention, but my mind was wandering.

Then it was time to introduce myself.  I stood up reluctantly and said, “Hi, I’m Louis Tomlinson.  I just moved here from Doncaster in the United Kingdom.  I love drama and singing.”  Well, that wasn’t awkward at all.  Thankfully, no one seemed to be making fun of my accent.  I really hated it when people did that.  The bell rung and I went to my next class, math.

I was bored out of my mind when I saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes looking at me.  I smiled at her, and thankfully she smiled back. We started talking, and telling each other about ourselves.  It turns out she had been begging her parents to let her move to Nashville for years because she loved country music and wanted to become a singer.  I decided to tell her about my covers on YouTube.  She was so sweet and nice that I couldn’t believe it when she told me that she didn’t have many friends.


It soon came time for Taylor and Abigail to leave.  I was sad, but we were going to perform at her concert.  We were also going to rehearsal on Thursday to run through What Makes You Beautiful on her stage with her dancers and stuff.

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