Chapter 5 - Confessions

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Harry's POV

Today Taylor was headed to the studio to work on her new album. She wouldn't let us hear any of it, as it was top-secret and all, but I'm sure it was very good.

The boys and I were having a day off before heading into the studio to record later this week. I was just lying on a couch while listening to music when four animals suddenly decided to sit on top of me.

"Ow! What was that for?" I exclaimed.

"Confess, Harry. Do you, or do you not like Taylor?" Niall asked. Wait, how would he know?

"Umm. I don't know what you're talking about. I only met her about a week ago." I tried to avoid the question.

"Harry, just answer the question. Yes or no?" Liam asked.

"Fine, fine! I do like Taylor. Happy?" I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

They all stood around smirking at me.

"Would you stop giving me those looks?" I asked.

"No," said Zayn, "you need to win her over, man! We're going to help you!"

"I don't need help!  I can do it on my own.  I've done it before, haven't I?" I protested.

"Come on, Harry.  Be real.  This is Taylor Swift we're talking about.  She's one of the biggest superstars in the world!"  Liam said.

"Besides, Louis was her friend in high school.  He can tell you what she likes.  Or, what you don't already know from stalking her online and stuff."  Niall nudged Louis.  "Right Louis?"

"Huh?" Louis seemed to snap out of a daze.  I just noticed that he seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with the idea.  I guess he was just having a bad day; he supported my past relationships, even the one with Caroline.

"Right Louis?" Niall prompted again.

"Oh.  Right."  Louis seemed really out of it.

"Fine!  I'll talk to Louis then.  In private." I huffed at them.  Only Liam got the hint, but he pushed the protesting Niall and Zayn out of the room.

"Louis, what's wrong?" I asked.  "You're so quiet and unlike yourself.  Do you not think it's a good idea?"

"Huh? No, I think it's a great idea.  Taylor loves you.  Haven't you seen the tabloids?" Louis replied.

"Really, Louis?  Shouldn't you of all people know that practically anything that shows up in a tabloid is utter rubbish?" 

"Well, there has to be a grain of truth in there somewhere."  Now he's making up stuff.

"Louis, that's ridiculous.  She said it's not true.  And I know you're not telling me something.  What happened?"  I could sense him tensing up as I said that.  He had been acting weird this entire conversation.

"Nothing's wrong, Harry," he insisted.

"Yes there is; you haven't been acting like yourself all day."  I was determined to get it out of him, for his own good.

"Okay, stop badgering me.  Eleanor and I broke up.  There.  Happy now?"

My jaw must have hit the floor.  "But you two were so happy together!"

"Yeah.  Until she met someone new."  Louis replied sullenly.

"It's okay.  I'm sure you'll find someone better."  I pulled him into a hug and tried my best to comfort him.

"Like she already has.  Apparently he's a model too.  They're going to go be all happy in model world together while I'm on the other side of the world."  Louis sounded absolutely miserable.  With that, he left the room and probably went somewhere else to mope.  What could I do?

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