Like You Want To Be Loved

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Chapter 13

To say Luke was sacred was an understatement. He was fucking terrified. 

Hook hadn't actually done anything to hurt him or make him feel uncomfortable. Just the opposite actually. He gave Luke enough water, he had let him shower once in the span of 3 days, and even let him sleep in a bed even though there was someone watching at all times (even in the shower) he was ok. 

Hook never actually directly told him he could shower. He didn't bring him the water or guided him to the bed. That, was the reason Luke was terrified. Hook hadn't done anything and he was expecting something. 'The better he treats me the harsher my death will be' Luke thought.

There hadn't been much commotion on the ship. Luke's 4 days and 3 nights had been somewhat calm. Just as he was ready to lay down on the lumpy cold bed he heard peters call. Luke had sworn it was him but decided to forget it. But then he heard it again, right after it Michael's voice screaming Luke.

The blond boy turned to look at the so called guard who was laying on a chair half asleep in the middle of the room. He quietly stood up and right as his numb feet touched to hard ground the bed squeaked loudly and the guard jolted up and brought his dagger up with him. 

"Hey Blondie what do you think you're doing" the evil smirk that played on the dirty mans face made Luke cringe. 

"uh i was- i was going to the toilets I'm feeling a little sea si-" Luke brought his hand up to his mouth covering it  and made a gagging sound. 

The guard looked around then walked up to Luke holding his chin up. "Listen boy, i will let you but I'm going in there with you, don't want the captain killing me." Luke nodded vigorously as the man dragged him into the bathroom and threw him on his knees. If anyone would've walked in at that moment they probably would have thought something else was going on.

Luke placed his hands around the filthy toilet seat and stuck his head between. He felt like he was actually going to the throw up from the disgusting odor filling his nostrils. He fake gagged again and pretended to throw up. You would've thought the guard would've realized Luke wasn't actually throwing up but he didn't he stood there and pretended Luke was actually puking ( a/n : pukey luke hahahahahahahahahahah) .

Luke fake gasped and looked up. "excuse me sir there is blood in my uh yeah, i think I'm dying" Luke said casually. 

The man raised his eyebrow and lowered his head. Once he got close enough to the sink Luke brought a hand up and smashed the old mans head against the cold faucet. He quickly got out and locked the door behind him and ran not looking back. 

He went up to the dock and automatically saw hooks red coat and Peters ginger brown hair. The Captain was in the middle of telling Peter he had already killed me when i screamed out Peters name. Which i realized was a terrible mistake when hook turned his head wide eyed. 

"How did you get out you filthy hooligan, i left you in the hands of a trust worthy and strong man" Hook questioned. 

"it wasnt that hard actually, he pretty much let me go" Luke laughed which he realized was also a bad idea when two men larger than the guard before picked him off his feet. 

"Take him to the room" Hook snapped. 

Luke was screaming loudly kicking his feet but it was no use. The guards were much taller and buffer than him. 

They threw him into a barley lit room and locked the door leaving him there. He curled up into a ball on the floor and held himself tight. 

Then he heard it. His delicate voice. "Peter is that you?" it asked.

Luke got up and walked toward the voice. 

"Peter seriously, dint freak me out. Is he ok? Is Luke ok? god please tell me he is, i would just die if he wasn't" Michael cried out. 

"Michael" his name rolled off his tongue like if it were water. 

"Holy Fuck Luke!!"  Michael exclaimed and rushed to his feet running toward Luke. 

Michael embraced Luke into a warm hug and Luke snuggled his head into the crook of the taller boys neck. ( a/n : Mike is taller because Luke is still a wittle baby) 

Luke removed himself from Michael and looked him in the eye. " I knew you guys would come" Luke said even though he really didn't think that. ( a/n leave Luke alone he wants a cute moment with Michelle Obama) 

He licked his very chapped lips and looked up at Micheal's. "Do you think i could maybe like kiss you" Luke asked and god he was so awkward but wow did he really want to kiss Michael. Michael couldn't help but giggle at how cute Luke was. 

" Yes you fucking idiot you can kiss me" and so Luke did. At that moment it didn't matter that the were inside the storage room of boat or that Luke's lips were so chapped and Michael's breath smelled like pepperoni. All that mattered was the way Luke's lips felt against Michael's and the way Michael held onto Luke's face like he meant the world to him and he did, Luke Hemmings meant the world to Michael Clifford.        


Hola guys! I'm here to say sorry for being a shitty person. But i made this fluffy and non sad because I'm in a really good mood for the first time in like a month ha. 

Anyway i really hope you guys liked it. I actually typed this on my computer and liked it better so i think i will start writing every other chapter on here (: 

Vote if you want Michael to shove his dick up Luke's ass !! (: (: (:

but seriously vote and comment it makes my day 10x better. 



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