Spin the Bottle

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Annie's P.O.V

This morning was a normal morning and normal is great, it's the best thing in the world. I walk to the front gate and found a tall annoying brown short cut robot boyfriend waiting for me. "Hey Bertholt," I try to keep my tone of voice sound like I care but he saw straight through me. "Had a rough morning," he replied back, god his face looks just like a robot it annoys me so much.

For my whole life I basically have been lying to others and myself about my feelings. I may seem like a really successful wrestler who loves to wrestle with all her heart but, that's not true at all. My father had always shoved wrestling down my throat and has been training me to get into the WWE. Just last night I wrestled my brother Reiner, I won of course but I didn't make peace with it at all and lost sleep. My boyfriend Bertholt is also a lie, I don't even like Bertholt as a friend. I just hung out with him since he's popular in the school and at my last school, let's say it wasn't a nice experience.

I explained to Bertholt why Reiner wasn't here today, another reason I'm his girlfriend is because Reainer and Bertholt are great friends. The day went rough all the way to lunch. I swear to god I have lost the ability to stand these people. Ymir was yapping on about how Christia was an adorable angel, Bertholt was just playing on his phone and Hitch and Marlo are just argueing about who was the better kisser. I tried to get Bertholts attention but it was hopeless so I continued to eat my DELICIOUS chicken noodle soup... It was flavorless.

I put down my lunch and just stared at the trash tables. Connie and Sasha were making weird pop poses, Jean and Marco were just flirting with each other and Mikasa. Mikasa was just sitting down on the floor with the trash bin as back support, lost in her book or manga can never tell. Her hair was silky black, with a nicely patterned black skirt, long sleeved shirt and a red scarf that covered half of her face. Armin was floating around her as he recited his lines for the play he's staring in...I'm guessing.

After lunch I went to 6th period, which was Science. (Quick thing Hanji is the science teacher but even though they may not have titans in this AU, she will still have an obsession over titans YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE HER. MWAHAHAHAHAHA:D)

Miss Hanji was yapping on about friction but still managed to get a squeeze of titan crap I don't care about. School finally came to an end. I rushed through the halls and out to the school gate, what is Ymir and Christia doing staring at me? I tried to avoid eye contact with them but failed and ended up in their nonsense. "I'm hosting a party tonight and everyone in the schools invited, just so you know," Ymir had that cheesy smile on her face that I always dispised. "Sorry," I was then cut off by the beautiful Mikasa walking by. Ymir then quickly invited her to the party then got back to me. "So can you come?" Christia asked with her blue sky eyes shining in mine. Damn your taste in girls Ymir. "Sure, whatever," and then I turned around and walked home.

Getting to the party was the hardest part, try convincing your dad to let you go to a party instead of training. I had to sneak out of my bedroom window and hide in Reiner's car, of course he gets to go with parent permission. Reiner was being an ass the entire way and when we finally stopped I ran straight out of the car and got straight to the drinks. I know it's not very healthy for a teenager to drink but I don't really care all too much. Ymir made an announcement "MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE PORCH IF YA WANNA GET SOME KISSIES!" Yep she's drunk. I made my way to the porch and there was a circle already formed with a glass beer bottle in the middle. Spin the bottle I'm definitely going to hate this 'party game.'

I examined the circle and there was Mikasa. She actually came WTF this cannot be happening but it was too late when Ymir sat me down right beside Bertholt and Mikasa. Ymir span the bottle first landing on Bertholt, I guess Bertholt was a little shaken because his robot face decided to gain human features. Ymir gave him a peck on the lips and then the next spin begun. The bottle then landed on Connie, he didn't know how to play but cheers for him. Connie then landed on me. I gave him a peck on the lips and then sat right back down. Everyone will be too drunk to remember any of this well, except Christia. I spun the bottle fast and it spun around 5,6,7,8 times before landing on Mikasa. I couldn't believe my luck. She turned to me and I quickly pecked her lips, I looked back at Bertholt. HE STILL WAS SHAKEN 🤣 The game soon ended with everyone blushing and Ymir smacking Reiner in the head a few times after he kissed Christia. I was beside Bertholt drinking punch when I caught a glimpse of Mikasa.

I want to kiss her.
What you want to kiss her you slut you have a boyfriend.
But she-
But she doesn't.
Fine, I'm definitely going to kiss her, come on now...
My head it disgusting.

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