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Annie's P.O.V:

I began to pace around in circles, my stomach had butterflies. Why did I ask Mikasa to come and meet me here? Why did she say yes?

So many questions began to flood through my head. I sat down on a rusty old bench and looked out to the sun. It was like the sun was sinking slowly into the ground, digging its way into the surface of the earth.

I close my eyes and put my head back, focusing on my breathing. Listening to the distant echo of passing cars, the loud barking of a nearby crow and...


I jumped up causing a massive head rush causing me to lose balance for a bit.

There she was. Mikasa was holding her red scarf tight to her chest, her hair was pulled in a slick ponytail. She was wearing a black sweatshirt with matching jeans.

"Uhh...hi" that was the only word I could get out at the moment.

For the next thirty seconds, we just stood there in awkward silence.

"So...what did you want to talk about?" Mikasa broke the tension with the one question I didn't want to answer. Why did I ask her to meet me here?

"I don't know," I turned to the rusty bench and collapsed.

"So why did you ask me to meet with you here?" I could see Mikasa slowly sitting down right beside me.

"Did you want to talk about what happened at the party?" I turned my head further away from her. What am I doing? I shouldn't be acting like this, I've got a boyfriend. I shouldn't even be near her.

"Look I'm sorry for whatever trouble I've put you through, but I just need to go," I rushed up and began to head home. "So that's it," I stopped almost instantly. "You text me, telling me you want to talk," I turned around to see Mikasa's face enraged, storming towards me.

"YOU CAN'T JUST DO THAT!" I was surprised she didn't just wake up the entire neighbourhood.

"Please Mikasa can we not do this right now," I turned away from her and continued walking. 

"Annie, wait," Mikasa caught up to me and began to walk at my speed. For the next ten minutes, we walked in silence. It was nice though, for some reason being in the company of Mikasa put me at ease. I looked over to her and say that she took out her ponytail, letting her ebony hair just drift by her shoulders. Her skin looked so soft and flawless. 

"Annie!" in a flash my body was being pulled away. All I could process was the flash of light that had blinded me and the honking of a car. When I opened my eyes I found myself face to face with Mikasa. Her eyes were wide open and her breathing quickened. I was still trying to process what happened when I realised what position I was in.

Mikasa had pulled me away from the car but with that force, she had pulled me to the ground right on top of her. I felt my face was about to turn red and jumped up. I tried to slow my breathing as best as I could. I looked over to Mikasa, who was still lying in the same spot. She was grabbing her scarf even tighter than before, and her breathing began to get heavier. I collapsed onto the path and continued to stare at Mikasa. 

After a while, Mikasa managed to slow her breathing and had let go of her scarf. She sat up and stared at me. Her nose was all wrinkled up and her eyebrows burrowed into her forehead. 

"What are you blind or something?" Mikasa stood up and walked over toward. She stretched out her hand out towards me. I reached and grabbed a hold of it tight before Mikasa pulled me up. As soon as I was up Mikasa pulled her hand back and started walking. 

We continued to walk in silence, was there nothing to talk about. I didn't want to talk about the party and I didn't want to say anything about Mr Smith. So I did the next best thing.

"Uh...Mikasa," we both stopped, Mikasa turned around and met my eyes. Okay, Annie now a sentence. "Thank you, for saving my life," I looked into Mikasa deep silver eyes, she smiled, "watch the road next time you idiot," she chuckled, took my hand and we began to walk again. 

We walked the rest of the way home in silence, it wasn't awkward like before instead, it was peaceful and I found Mikasa to be good company. As we turned the street corner I could see my house light were on. I can just picture the sight of my dad waiting for me on the other side of the door. I stopped at the front of my driveway, dreading the sight of that door. I was supposed to be training today. 

"Bye Mikasa," I gave Mikasa a wave and took one step onto the driveway before I was pulled in the opposite direction. All I could feel now was the warmth of Mikasa's lips on mine. I couldn't believe it. I told myself to pull away but instead, I felt my hand gently holding the back of Mikasa's head. I've kissed many times before, with Bertholt, but this was different. It was a good different. Mikasa then gently pulled away from my lip, smiling at me. I've never seen this side of Mikasa before. Her cheeks were pink and her eyes now sparkled.

"Thank you, Annie," she slowly let go of my hand and continued to walk down the street. Why did she do that? Why didn't I pull back? I turn and look at the front door, bringing me back down to earth. No kiss can save me from my father's fit. 

I walk up to the door and turn the handle, opening the door slowly. I prepare myself, tensing up my entire body...


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