[6] - 극성

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This four syllabled word, it's meaning having a great density.
This word has its own dimension, it's own depth, it's own gravity.

Polarity highlights the dramaticity of differences between two things.
It accentuates the fact that how..
two different things,
two different places,
two different people
can have stark dissimilarities..

Like good and bad..
Like black and white..
Like Yin and Yang..
Like Wrong and Right!

It is astonishing how two different people with the same background, can be so different;

both of them being royals,

both of them having an age old family history of victorious kings and triumphed battles,

both of them born with silver spoons,

both of their destinies wrapped in satin silk and velvet and bejeweled by gems and gold,

both of them presumably being the kings of their respective reigns..being the successors of their great fathers.

Yet one decision..
Created the polarity!

One decision..
Changed one of them.

One decision..
Changed the whole scenario.

One of them born to save..
Another destined to kill.

One decision..
Changed everything!

Han Seong-so was the self proclaimed nature's child. It hadn't been many days since he had arrived Caratland, but he was already showing signs of being a permanent resident, behaving like he is the long lost child of Caratland;

as if he had been accustomed to Caratland already,

as if the map of Caratland had been imprinted in his heart,

as if each and every alley of Caratland had been measured by his footsteps,

as if all the forests have been explored by him way before,

as if the wildlife had been familiar with him,

as if the skies, the earth, the trees, the birds, the fields and the waterfalls, the whole scenery of Caratland were already deep rooted within his soul.

As if he had always known this heaven.

It didn't take him too long to merge with the surroundings and people of Caratland, contrary to his father. It had been a hard nut to crack for Emperor Minjae since, being surrounded by the riches and sumptuousness has been a usual situation for him.
Nevertheless, he got habituated to the environment faster than it was expected.
He was no more that same cruel, barbaric, merciless, animalistic ruler whose sole purpose was to kill and conquer.
The last war rinsed all the negativity out of him, making him a better person. It would be untrue if it was to be said that people weren't intimated by him initially. After all, he was notorious for his perilous nature and cruelty, nonetheless, people supported and accepted him and also guided him in his path of becoming a better person.

Seong-so didn't even need to adjust himself in accordance with Caratland, he had always dreamed to be in a place like this;

where he can finally, breathe, freely without feeling afraid to smell the stink of blood,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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