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Author's note: I really appreciate you all for clicking to read this book. This is my first ever book and I'm so happy you decided to give it a try. I will be doing what I call major editing on this book so please update it before reading. Thank you so much my darlings.

Alina's pov:
Life is beautiful.... At least that's what I think as I look around my home.  My palace. The temple of the sisters of light. It so huge and gorgeous that it is considered one of the most beautiful structures in the world. Kudos to the designer. My name is Alina and I am a sister of light. Yeah I know you are wondering, what am I? Well I am a demi goddess. Half human half goddess. It's really cool. I have godlike features as well as human features. I have magic and can pretty much outrun any of the sisters. So add that to my resume. Oh let's not forget one last thing, I'm immortal. I don't honestly remember how I came to earth or all that shit but all I know is that I've been living in the sisters of light palace since I can remember. My sisters and I are like cats and dogs
We fight a lot. No let me correct that, I scream at them while they just fold their hands watching me. It sounds stupid but it's very effective in getting what I want. Currently we are lounging around the waterfall/pool doing absolutely nothing...... Or rather I am doing absolutely nothing while my sisters are giving me lectures.

(photo credits): Google)

They've been trying for hours to teach me different spells. I just tune them out and nod when necessary. Personally I see no reason why they bother. I grew up with different tutors teaching me how to use and control my powers, different languages, essence of leadership, oh let's not forget etiquette. You know how to speak in public, chew with my mouth closed, walk with my back straight. I mean, what the hell?  Who does that? Whose business is it if I decide to chew with my mouth open? It's not as if I'm allowed to leave the palace. I definitely do not want to be seen as a snub. And as for the leadership part, I honestly don't think its necessary.  I mean I am the youngest sister here. And the most playful one. And the most stubborn. I have six elder sisters who are perfect for that leadership shit yet they all have the insane notion that I am perfect for the job. I tried telling them that but it only resulted to another hour lecture on how powerful I am.  Well thanks for the info sis but I already know how powerful I am, I own my freaking body, don't I? (eye roll). I do my best to avoid the lectures but sometimes it just happens. I just get so frustrated at them that I ignore their wishes and follow my heart. When it's time for my tutor to arrive, I run to hide, sometimes in the stable, dungeon etc. I'm sure you catch my drift. Honestly it's annoying. I don't want to rule over my sisters. I don't want to be bound by stupid laws and traditions. I don't want my family bowing down to me. I just want to enjoy my life. I want to be free.
Presently I'm listening to my sister Ariana drone on and on about responsibilities.... Who cares about fucking responsibilities? The six of them are responsible enough. I'll help them be irresponsible.
"................and that's what makes a good leader". I finally tuned in into what Ariana was saying. I smiled and replied "of course sister. I understand everything"
She looked at me intently. She's the only one who sees through my facade. She arched a brow at me and asked
"You didn't hear a word I said, did you? "
Well there's no use lying.  She'll find out eventually so I just blurted out the truth "not a word sis".
She chucked and let it go.  Thank God it's Ariana. She's the easy going and funny one.  If it were any of the others, I'd receive a four hour lecture about responsibility.
She stood up and left the pool probably going to study...  She's a nerd.  Well at least she's not the only one. I'm a bit of a book worm myself. I turned my thoughts away from Ariana and thought about how to escape this leadership shit my sisters have got into their head concerning me. I have no intention of becoming a leader. But life had other plans.

*  *  *  *  *

Edward's pov

I stood beside King Cameron as the doctor examined him. To be honest, I don't think he'll live through the night. Not that I wish him dead but let's be realistic, he is a walking corpse. I don't think anyone will mourn his death. He was a shitty king and a shittier father (I don't think the word shittier exists but just go with the flow). His son, my best friend William could be described as a saint. I always admired him for his fairness, kind and understanding heart. He didn't judge me when I confided in him about my past. Instead he encouraged me and pushed me to work harder. He begged his father to enroll me in the royal academy. Though it's only for royalties, he was able to secure a spot for me. William was away in the royal academy. Though I had sent a letter informing him about his father's illness, he didn't show up. The doctor finished examining King Cameron and called me to follow him outside. When we got outside, he said
"My lord, his heart has stopped breathing. I regret to say this but King Cameron is dead" He patted my shoulder in a pitiful attempt to console me but I wasn't grieving in the first place. It seems I have to send another letter to William.

OK guys, I know it sucked but this is my first time trying to show others my work... With time you'll love it. I can promise you that. I need a cover. If you have one, please email it to me at I'll post it and give you the credit. Love you all.

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