Chapter 31

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Picture of Melissa above. (Photo credit - Google)

Edward's pov

I stared at the woman in shock. She was staring right back at me as if trying to see into my soul. It can't be. It's not possible. I watched her die. I held her mutilated body. I saw her being killed. I cried for her. I mourned her. I buried her. My sister.
"Melissa!" I called out. I saw Castor and William snap their head to stare at me. They looked shocked. I saw the woman's eye lit up in recognition. She looked haunted and sad. As if she carried an heavy burden in her heart. She looked at me and made her face into a sneer.
"Hello Edward, it's been awhile"
I shook my head from side to side still not quite believing. I was confused. I believe its a normal reaction in this situation. I turned towards the soldiers she came with. They wore Alice's badge and carried Alice's flag. That could only mean one thing. She's working with Alice. There's no other explanation. But how could she betray me like this? Why?
She raised her hands and the soldiers she came with started running towards us with weapons raised high in attack. I heard Castor scream at me to draw my sword and get ready to defend myself but I was too shocked to move. My feet felt paralyzed.
I jerked awake panting. It was all a dream. I looked around and saw I was lying on the bed in my chambers at the palace. I peered out the window and saw it was still dark out. What a strange dream. I was about standing up when a bright light appeared blinding me and I used my hand to shield my eyes from the glare. Soon it dimmed and I removed my hand to find six gorgeous ladies standing there. They were dressed in toga and each had a tiara sitting on their head.

This is what I mean

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This is what I mean. Ignore the face. I got the picture from Google

I was about to reach for my sword when one of them spoke up.
"Don't be afraid, we are not here to harm you"
I arched a brow and asked
"Who are you people and what do you want with me?"
They smiled at me and another spoke.
"We are the sisters of light."
I gasped out and lowered my head in a bow while mumbling apologies
"Pardon me, I didn't recognize you"
They all burst out laughing. Their laughter sounded like music then one of them spoke up.
"how could you recognize us when you haven't even met us?"
The rest of them burst out in laughter and I just smiled. Yes I smiled, give me a break; I'm nervous here. When they talk, their lips move in synchronization but I only hear one voice. Weird. But I wasn't about to tell them they sound weird. No thank you, I love my life very much. Suddenly their expression changed, all traces of humor gone. Then one of them spoke up.
"We don't have much time. First we'd like to thank you for everything you've done for Alina. We didn't realize our death would affect her this much" I kept my head lowered and replied. "It's no problem. I take her as my sister and will always protect her"
They smiled at me and asked me.
"Did you get our message?"
I frowned not quite understanding what they meant.
"If I may ask, what message?"
They frowned and replied.
"The dream you had. Or didn't you have a weird dream?"
My eyes widened wondering how they knew about it. Before I could say anything, they continued.
"It was us trying to warn you to be careful. " Ah, so it was them. I knew it was too strange to be normal. I nodded finally understanding. They continued
"There's someone with black magic here in the palace. We are not yet sure what their intentions are but be careful. We will visit you from time to time to warn you. Do not tell anyone about our visits. Do not trust anyone. If you need to contact us, tell Alina to cast a summoning spell and we will appear. Time to go. See you soon Edward" With that said, they vanished as abruptly as they appeared.
I looked around disoriented and wondering if I imagined the whole thing but I saw my sword lying beside me. No not my imagination. It was real. I decided to quickly tell the guys about it. But as I made my way over to the library where I was sure to meet them, I wondered. Why did they appear to me instead of Alina? They said someone has black magic in the palace but who could that be? William? No. I shook off that thought. Castor? No, it's not him. Who else is there? Only the guards the servants and Princess Elena. Hmm

Sorry it was all a dream. Don't kill me. You guys can relax now. 😂 😂

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