Chapter 28

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Unknown pov

I stared at Alice as she threw a fit about her encounter with Edward and Co. I couldn't believe she ran into him after so many years. It was seems Edward somehow turned immune to her magic. Interesting. And wonderful. I was happy Edward is alive but I was also scared about what Alice will do when she realise that I disobeyed her orders to kill him. Right now, she was too furious to think about that and I was grateful for it. She has been searching through different books trying to find a reason why her powers didn't work on them. She thinks he had a protection spell around him. As far as I'm concerned, she's getting weak. There's no other logical explanation. Why else will two mortals survive an encounter with an underworld connected witch using dark magic? I've been working with Alice for over twenty years and I've never seen her this frantic. She's usually calm and collected luring you to her with her melodious voice then pounces like a cobra. Now her calm facade seems to have disappeared. Serves her right. It's up to me to calm her down and restore order. If I don't, she'll end up using the anger on me.
"Alice dear, it seems the presence of that empress of light is draining your powers"
Her head snapped up to me and I could see panic in her eyes. I smiled indulgingly and continued
"Don't fret darling. Why not take a trip to the underworld and fortify yourself? I'm sure there are demons there who are willing to give you some of their powers"
She gasped loving the idea. She nodded furiously and said
"I would love to do that but I have a lot of things to handle here."
I smiled reassuringly and patted her head. "Don't worry love. I'll handle everything. Now off you go. Your news powers await you"
She smiled and said "Thanks my pet slave. I'll be back soon" I frowned at the name she referred to me. I hated it and the way she treated me. However I was pleased that she agreed with me and let me handle things around here for once. It's about time I have some control around here. I saw her raise her hands to cast the spell to open the portal. I stopped her saying "Allow me dear"
With a flick of my wrist, I swiftly opened the portal and she went in. The portal closed immediately. I smiled and went to work.

*  *  *  *  *

Alina's pov

I stared at Edward in shock when he suggested I move to the palace. What is he up to? There's mischief written all over his face. I turned to look at Castor. He looked stoic but there was a glimpse of smile on his lips. It seems he's in on whatever scheme Edward is into. Well I don't mind the suggestion. At least I'll be close to William. But I made my face form a frown and asked
"Why do I need to do that?"
He smiled at me as if he could tell what I was thinking. Smart idiot. He replied
"Now that Alice knows where you are,  she'll be planning an attack. This place is not safe enough for you. I know you can take care of yourself but think about this. If you stay in the palace, it'll be hard for Alice to get to you and I'll be spending most of my time there. I'll be able to relax and do whatever I'm doing knowing you are safe. Besides we can all stay there together and put our heads together when necessary. Come on Alina, indulge me this once" Then he proceeded to give me those puppy dog look. Still I resisted but it was week.
"I understand but I don't think William will want that kind of burden on him" Really Alina? This is the best you could come up with? You couldn't think of a reasonable excuse, you had to use William. Now Edward will suspect your real thoughts about this. Before I completed the sentence, Edward interjected
"I'm sure William won't mind. Will you William?
I could see William struggling to come up with an excuse but nothing came out. An idea came to my mind.
"What about Princess Elena? I'm sure she won't like a stranger coming to stay with her in the palace" I congratulated myself inwardly but immediately groaned when Edward shut the idea down.
"We'll say you are my sister. It's not uncommon for the special advisor to bring his family into the palace" It seems he has really given this notion of me living in the palace a serious thought. No matter what excuse I try to come up with, he has an alternate solution to it. I knew it was no good arguing with him anymore. When Edward sets his mind on something, nothing can change it. So I agreed.
"Alright. I'll go live in the palace"
Edward cheered like a kid given sweets. He high fives Castor and two of them began celebrating. I shook my head at them smiling. Damn bunch of idiots.

What do you think? I'm too lazy to edit so excuse any errors. Click on the star button please.

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