Chapter 33

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Alina's pov

I stared at Edward in shock. He was breathing hard and panting. Sweat covered his brows and the front of his shirt. I was about to ask him what's going on when he said
"You guys will never believe just happened"
I turned to look at Castor and William and saw them looking around too. We were all weary about what Edward was about to say. No offence but he tends to exaggerate most of the time.
He walked into the library and flopped on the chair, eyes closed trying to catch his breath. I arched a brow and asked
"Why do you look as if you just ran a marathon? I thought you were sleeping"
He grimaced not moving and replied
"I was. I've been searching for you guys for hours."
I looked at him skeptical and said
"I told you we were going to the library, didn't I?"
He nodded his head, albeit very slowly agreeing with me
"Yes you did but I didn't know you were referring to the ancient library. I searched for you guys in the other one. When I didn't see you, I asked the servants. They all said they haven't seen you guys. I thought you guys went out but I asked the guard at the gate, he said none of you left so I decided you guys must be somewhere in the palace. I started searching each and every room.  Imagine searching through sixty two rooms, you'd understand how I feel. I got lost four times and ended up searching the same place over and over again. Why the hell was this place built like a labyrinth? Who the heck designed it? Lucifer?" At that he leaned into the chair muttering curses.
Laughter bubbles up my throat and I bit my tongue to hold my laughter. I turned to Castor and William and saw they were struggling to hold in their laughter too. Castor was biting his lips while William was trying to hide it with a cough. Edward seemed to notice we were trying to not laugh. He opened his eyes and looked at us wearily and said
"It's alright. You can go ahead and laugh"
At that, the three of us couldn't hold it in anymore. We burst into laughter. I fell back into a chair holding my sides while laughing. William was bent over laughing. Tears spilled from Castor eyes as he laughed. Edward just stared at us wryly. He stood up from the chair and went to the wine cabinet while muttering and unsympathetic friends. When he saw we were not stopping anytime soon, he said
"Are you guys going to listen to what I have to say or you're gonna keep laughing" I ignored him and concentrated on getting my breath back.
William replied while still chuckling "Sorry mate. It's just too funny"
Edward rolled his eyes and asked us to sit down. When we did, he started
"I had a strange dream about my late sister. When I woke up, a bright light appeared and I shielded my face to protect my eyes. When I removed my hand, I saw six ladies standing there. At first I was scared but then they introduced themselves. They said they were the sisters of light"

*  *  *  *  *

Edward's pov

Alina's snapped her gaze to look at me so fast it was a wonder her neck didn't snap. Her mouth was parted open in shock. The others too were shocked. I could tell from their wide eyes to their dropped jaw. Soon I saw doubt creep into their eyes. I knew they didn't really believe me and my suspicions were confirmed when Alina asked.
"How do they look?"
I closed my eyes for a minute to remember and I said
"They wore a yoga, each of them had a tiara. Two of them are red haired while the rests are blond" The other two looked at Alina as if waiting for confirmation. She nodded at me saying "It's them. It's true. They usually tease me as the odd one since I had dark hair. I always felt left out but they loved me unconditionally"
I smiled and laid my hand over hers then continued. "They said danger is coming and we should be careful. They also said someone in the palace has dark magic"
They all looked stunned at my revelation. I didn't wait for them to say anything before I continued
"Alina, they said if you want to contact them, do a summoning spell. I don't know what that is but I'm sure you do"
She nodded at me.
"They mentioned someone having dark magic in the palace. Any idea who it is?" I asked.
They thought over it for a few minutes. William opened his mouth to say something when it was cut off by a voice from the doorway.
"It's true. I have dark magic"

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