Taken in by the Gang

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This is a headcannon on what I assume would be like if the gang took you in and raised you! 


~the gang had taken you in when you were a toddler, and you'd lost your parents to O'Driscolls. 

~when you were taken all the gang member's parental instincts came into play

~especially Hosea's and Miss Grimshaw's

~ Arthur and John are like brothers to you, along with Sean

~you can defend yourself perfectly well, but your rarely leave camp alone~

~you're never put on guard duty, because god forbid that someone actually approaches the gang's literal child

~even if you want to ride around the gang's camp alone, you're not allowed go alone

~despite all your protests, you never get to go on big robberies

~you're quite like Hosea in that you can play people like a fiddle

~you should've seen the fuss that was made when you snuck out of camp one night to go and have A BATH at the local saloon

~"where were you?! why did you leave?! you know what - you-you're grounded!"

~"Dutch, I'm not sure we can really ground  her"

~"shut it Hosea! she's grounded, on lock-down. not allowed leave camp. end of. final."

~you don't take any shit from anybody in camp, especially Micah. you shut his nasty ass down.

~Javier taught you some Spanish and you guys have a good tea-spilling session now and again, having a good gossip about who you hate in the gang (*Cough Cough* Micah *Cough Cough*)

~Dutch is like a father figure to you, you look to Abigail as a mother figure

~Hosea and Miss Grimshaw are like your grandparents

~Molly tried to replace Abigail, being a motherly figure, as she was with Dutch

~that idea was shot down faster than when you ask to go on a big robbery

~everyone teases Arthur, John and especially Sean for how brotherly act towards you

~"guys! I'm just going into Valentine to pick up a new gun I ordered!"

~"why are you going alone?"

~"who's going with you?"

~"is this a home or a bloody hotel?"

~"when will you be back?"

~"give me a minute to tack up my horse!"

~god forbid you get a boyfriend or S/O

~the poor child would be interrogated

~he'd probably be followed by AT LEAST 1 member of the gang at all times

~Sean, John, and Arthur would literally KILL the person if they broke your heart

~you and Jack are literally siblings, and you guys are inseperable

~even though it's crazy living in a band of outlaws

~they're your family

~you wouldn't change that for the world

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