Chapter 10

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*Flashbacks in bold*

He knocked before entering the cabin.

"Oh hi Shayan, please come in." Dr. Wayiz Hussein closed his laptop and moved some strewn papers that were lying on his table to one side. He had been treating Geeta ever since her accident. Needless to say he and Shayan came across each other pretty frequently, owing to which they had developed quite a friendly equation. In fact, Shayan had gotten along well with most of the hospital staff. They knew his story and he knew theirs, it was a way he would connect with people. Although people refrained from showing sympathy, they couldn't help but admire his dedication. Two years and there wasn't a single day when he didn't come to the hospital to meet his wife. Sometimes he felt like the hospital and the people there were a part of his family now.

"Hi Wayiz. Anything important? I never really get to see the face of your cabin."

"Yes, I know. Trust me I wouldn't call you here into this chaos of a room unless it was necessary. I felt like we needed to sit down to discuss a few things."

His tried to force a smile but despite his efforts, the uneasiness in his expression wasn't hidden from Shayan.

"Everything okay doc?" he took a seat in front of the table, speculating the conversation they were about to have.

Wayiz let out a deep sigh. "I'm afraid not Shayan."

His heart skipped a beat. He didn't say anything further, but one could tell just by looking at him he was asking for an answer.

"Yesterday when you said you saw Geeta move, you weren't wrong. She did show some minor responsiveness. After that we took her for an MRI and CT scan. Unfortunately the results did not come out as expected."

He paused a little, trying to gather both words and courage for what he was about to say next. The color on Shayan's face had faded and he hated to give him any more bad news. But he had to. It was a part of his job that he could not avoid, no matter how much he wanted to.

"When a person slips into a coma, it's the body's way to sort of protect the brain from further damage. But when they come out of it, it could one of two reasons. Either their condition is improving or the body is gradually becoming incapable of self-preservation. In Geeta's case, it's probably the latter."

Wayiz waited for Shayan to say something, but instead all he got was silence.

"Shayan, her condition is not stable anymore. I can't say for sure what might happen but I want you to be prepared for the worst. We are trying our best to recover her, and we will continue to do so, but-"

"But?" There was trepidation is his voice. A part of him did want to hear the rest of it.

"But there will come a time, when we have to make a decision. If she responds to the treatment then there would be no happier news for us, however, if she does not, there is a significant chance that she might not recover, ever. In that case we would have to declare her brain dead and take her off the ventilator."

November 2004

"And daddy did you know, Mr. Welsh said whoever hands in the best essay, they will get to read it out in front of everybody and also get one period off for the next English class!" Pihu exclaimed as they walked inside the house. Shayan took off his jacket and hung it on the coat hanger.

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