9. The week of the lost dreams

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Turning Orion to a 5 year old for a week was initially the most weird idea but it turned to the most wonderful idea.

When Orion was asleep, Severus used to cry from both happiness and sadness.

Seeing and living with his little boy, having his son needing him almost constantly, hugging him , kissing him, playing with him, reading him stories, cuddling before sleep... it was priceless.

Truly priceless.

Orion was mischievous, quite a little Gryffindor, indeed. He loved to wake up early and crawl on his father's belly to wake him up as well. Severus made him pancakes in different shapes , according to Orion's requests. He also taught him how to properly take care of himself, without embarrassing him, since he was only a child.

His son was constantly smiling, which caused happy butterflies in Severus' stomach.

Days flew so fast and it was Friday morning again, so they had to go back to reality.

Severus had already brewed the Aging Potion.

- Come Orion, empty this mug for Daddy, he asked his son, while undressing him. His eyes were glistening from melancholy.

Orion emptied the cup and once more he felt a tingling sensation all over. He closed his eyes and only opened them again when he heard his father asking him to.

- Dad! He looked down and saw that he was again a teenager.

He didn't make any move to cover himself. He just looked at his Dad and told him:

- Was this a dream? Me? Being a 5 year old?

His father smiled and answered him:

- You don't quite remember, do you?

- I remember your voice and you hugging me all the times.

- That is the side effect when you choose to turn back to childhood.

His son nodded.

- I hardly find it appropriate for you to run naked around the house. You are not 5 any more, he said with a smile.

- Yeah, pity... it feels good being naked.

- You can stay naked in your room if you enjoy the feeling so much.

- I'll go get dressed. We will visit Grandma and Grandpa tonight, won't we?

- Yes we will.

Orion turned his back to his Dad and left the room.

He went upstairs, to his own room. Instead of putting clothes, he just laid down on his bed.

Severus on the other hand went to the kitchen and made some coffee. He needed to reflect on all those beautiful moments with his young boy.

He had to wipe a couple of tears when he heard his son entering the kitchen and turned around to face him.

- Hey, I though you would put on some clothes.

His son stared at him with a very intense look, that Severus was immediately a bit alarmed.

- What is wrong, Son?

Orion swallowed hard and spat out his though:

- I want to be a child again. I want to live with you my whole childhood. Please, Dad.

- Come here, son, come close.

His son approached him and Severus hugged him tightly.

He released him, looked at him and explained:

- It is not legal to turn you back. We have to apply a form at the Ministry, and most likely it will be rejected. If you liked it so much, believe me I liked it too. But I can treat you like a child. I can hug you as many times as you wish, we can cuddle when I read you stories, I can put you to bed, tuck you in and give you as many kisses as you wish. I can even bathe you, if you feel ok with it. We can do anything.

- You can't scoop me up though.

- Well, that can be tricky, indeed.

- Can I call you Daddy?

- Yes, of course.

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