Chapter 2

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Next morning, Samantha pulled up in her car seeing the team of cops and parade of police cars all lined up outside. She walked inside seeing the museum employees huddled together, cops walking and standing around and yellow police tape across the entrance of the Egyptian exhibit. She walked faster until Matthew stopped her in her tracks.

"You don't wanna go in there," he said, holding her back. "They have it all sectioned off."

"What happened here?" she asked, looking bewildered.

"Jimmy is dead."

Samantha let out an audible gasp.

"When Peter came in this morning he found him dead on the floor."


"Yeah, they've already questioned him. But there's something else...."

Matthew paused looking for a way to say the right words.

"Matt what is it? Whatever it is tell me."

"The mummy is missing."

Samantha's face became one of shock and disbelief.

From the exhibit Eric walked outside and announced, "I am looking for Sam Ford."

"I am she," she said, stepping forward. "It's Samantha really.'

Eric paused having been surprised to see a woman when he was expecting a man. He stared for a moment noticing her.

"You are the curator of this exhibit?"

"Yes I am. One of them."

"Who's the other?"

"My father but I run the day to day operations for the museum."

"And what's his name?"

"William. He's retired."

The two coroners rolled the gurney out with a white sheet draped over Jimmy's body.

"Do you know of anyone who would want to steal the mummy?"

"No, not at all, "she said, shaking her head. "It is a rare and priceless artifact. Our security system is state of the art. It would be nearly impossible to steal it without setting off the alarms."

"Mind if I take a look at it?"

"No, of course not. Be my guest."

Alexander hid behind one of the marble pillars and slipped inside the exhibit when nobody was looking. He stared into the empty casket where the life from his face drained away.

"Good Lord! He's alive."

"Don't move!" a cop from behind him bellowed holding up his gun.

He slowly turned around with his hands up and quickly kicked his left leg up knocking the gun out of the cop's hand. He ran as the cop started to pursue him.

"Stop him!" the cop cried. "He was in the exhibit!"

Eric turned and started running after Alexander exiting the front doors. He sees Alexander already down the stairs jumping into a dark sedan driving quickly away.

"Is it true?" the chauffer asked.

"Yes. We've come too late."

Alexander fell back against the cushion thinking back to the day he was asked to come to his father's office.

"You know what you have to do?" Daniel said sitting at his desk.

"Yes Father. And here I thought all those stories you told me growing up were make believe. Stories meant to scare away any grave robbers."

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