Chapter 7

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During Rachel's shift at the diner she was pouring a customer a cup of coffee.

"So you are just letting the guy stay with you?" one of the other waitresses asked from behind the counter.

"That's right."

"But you know who he could be? He could be anybody. Don't you see that?"

"All I saw was that he probably saved my life and besides it looked like he needed a leg up with the way he was dressed," she said turning back placing the coffee pot back.

From the TV Rachel could over hear the news story being broadcast and turned.

"To continue with our top story in a bizarre series of murders. A body was found in an alley on Fifth Street."

'Turn that up!" she exclaimed, waving her hand.

One of the cooks came by and turned up the volume.

"The police have released a picture of the man."

The news caster showed the face of the man who had died. Rachel developed a dumb found looking on her face.

"That's the guy who tried to rob me the other night."

"Before your new friend interceded?"

"I thought he had just roughed him up a bit and he ran away. Oh my God!"

"You gotta call the police, Rachel."

Rachel quickly untied an apron around her waist yelling to the back.

"Mike, I am going on break," she exclaimed.

Eric drove along in his car when his radio broke in.

"Eric, we have the information you wanted on Peter Blake."

"Give it to me," he said as he picked up his mic and pressed the button.

"Just a few priors for petty theft and shoplifting. Hold on for a moment. We are getting a call from a woman who recognized him."

"Patch her through."

"Okay, we got her. Go ahead."

"This is Detective Eric Foster. What is your name?"

"Rachel Dawson. I work as a waitress at the diner on Fifth Street. I was leaving work when I got mugged by the guy found in the alley but somebody stopped him."


"I don't know. He seemed like a harmless guy. Looked homeless so I invited him back to my apartment just for a place to stay for a bit until he got back on his feet."

"Did he tell you his name?"

"He said his name was Seth."

Eric's eyes lit up and paused for a moment before answering.

"Stay where you are. Whatever you do don't go home. I am coming to you."

He quickly put his mic back and put his siren on top of his car driving faster down the street.

Outside of Rachel's apartment building Eric's car pulled up and some non descript cars where a S.W.A.T. team came filing out.

"Miss Dawson, you'll have to stay in the car but there are two officers here that are going to stay with you here just in case. Where is your apartment located" he said looking across to his passenger seat.

"It's on the third floor. Apartment 3F."

Eric and his team with guns at the ready walked up the flights of stairs to her apartment building quickly but quietly so as not to make any undo noise.

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