Chapter 8

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Eric sped down the street having put the siren on the top of his car.

"Come on. Pick up," Eric said while driving holding up the cell phone to his ear.

In her office Samantha picked up her phone and said, "Eric?! Did you find it!?"

"Building downtown on the corner of Michigan and Roosevelt. Meet me there."

The auction house had a large room with rows of chairs filled with a combination of various international private collectors including Americans. Catherine and Paul sat in the last row looking on as James auctioned off items one by one from his podium stage at the front of the big hall.

"I still have an uneasy feeling about all this, Paul," she whispered beside him.

"Stop your worrying. Once it's sold it's out of our hands and you and I can go away together just like I promised you. Remember?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Going once, going twice, SOLD! To the woman in the fourth row. Next up we have a rare Ming vase that's from...." James bellowed.

Sethe having been fully restored left the coffee shop seeing the horse drawn carriage on the side of the curb. He jumped up in front where the coachman was sitting.

"Hey?! What are you doing up here?!" he exclaimed.

He tugged at the coachmen's jacket and pushed him out letting him fall to the ground and grabbed the reins riding off quickly down the street.

Eric and Samantha's cars came to a screeching halt in front of the auction house and ran inside.

"I'm sorry but the auction has already started," the receptionist said as they approached the front desk.

They both listened when Eric could hear the commotion coming from the back room.

"That's where it's happening," he said pointing.

The two of them started to walk beyond the desk to the double sliding doors in the back.

"But you can't go back there," the receptionist said standing up.

"This says I can," he said, quickly flashing his badge as they kept walking.

"Next we have a really rare piece. An ankh from Egyptians' First Kingdom. Who will start the opening bid?"

Eric slammed open the double doors making everyone turns their heads.

"There isn't going to be anymore bidding tonight folks," he announced to the whole room.

The level of voices was raised. Eric and Samantha walked to the front of the room leaving Catherine and Paul staring ahead.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Catherine said.

"Give me a moment. I'm still thinking."

"We have to turn ourselves in," she said as she started to stand up.

"No way! I am not getting busted for this!" he said holding her arm to pull her back into her seat and got up to leave.

"James Miller, you are under arrest of the possession of stolen property and for the selling of illegal goods," Eric said walking up to him and handcuffing him. "All of you should stay where you are. Nobody is to leave the building."

"Eric!!" Samantha shouted.

He turned seeing Paul pointing a gun at Samantha.

"Hold it right there! Throw your gun away or she dies."

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