Chapter 5

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Brian Farnsworth was one of the richest people in the city, but was also known for having an extreme hobby for collecting antiquities. He lived in an upscale town home unlike the fancier homes of people who ran in his social circle.

The cab pulled up in front of his house.

"Okay, here we are. That'll be twelve-fifty."

Sethe handed him the full amount Rachel had given him and got out of the car.

"Here, you are forgetting your change."

Sethe turns back to the drive and he passes him some change. As the cabbie drove away Sethe walked up the steps and knocked on the front door where a sharply dressed butler appeared.

"Hello, are you being expected? Mr. Farnsworth only accepts people that have called ahead."

Sethe stepped in the door and hoisted the butler by his neck and slammed him up against the wall knocking him and fell to the floor in a slump.

Inside of Brian's den he sat at his desk talking with Samantha over his cell phone.

"I'm sorry for all your troubles Mrs. Ford but you must understand my position."

"I do and I think you for your generous money donations last year," she replied.

"It's my pleasure. We need to keep history preserved but I don't know how safe my collection would be in your museum right now."

Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the hallway.

"What was that?"

"Mr. Farnsworth, you alright?"

"Yes, I am fine except I just heard a loud crash. Excuse me for a moment."

Brian walked out into the hallway watching Sethe seize a book from a broken glass display case.

"What are you doing here?!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing with that book?! Put it back! It's priceless!"

"Mr. Farnsworth, are you okay?! Who is there?!" Samantha's voice billowed over the phone.

Sethe slowly approached him holding the book at his side. From the wall Brian quickly grabbed a sword holding it at the handle out right in front of him.

"No! You stay away from me!"

Samantha hung up and immediately called Eric's cell phone.

"Detective Foster."

"Eric! I was on the phone with Brian Farnsworth. Someone is in his house! You need to get over there now!"

"Don't worry, Sam. We are nearby."

A cop approached Eric's window where he was sitting in his car having finished his initial of the man inside the alley.

"Hey, we just received a silent alarm at the house of Brian Farnsworth."

"Let's go!"

Brian kept the sword at bay in front of him as Sethe flung the sword away from his grip hitting the wall. Brian ran but with one wave of his hand Sethe lifted him up in the air strangling him. The sirens could be heard outside blaring. Eric and a cop rushed in seeing the butler on the floor. They turned the corner seeing Brian hung up in the air and pulled out their guns aiming.

"Let him go! You've got nowhere to run!"

Sethe pushed him through the air hitting the wall. Eric stood his ground besides the cop but Sethe quickly dispatched them both by waving his arm up in the air that made Eric and the cop fly backwards and fall against the hardwood floors. He left with a smug expression on his face

"Who the hell was that?" Eric asked, rubbing his head as he slowly sat up.

Several minutes later outside of the house Samantha jumped out of her car finding an ambulance and Eric with a ice pack on his head sitting on the hood of his car.

"What happened? Who was inside?"

"There was a man levitating Farnsworth off the ground."

"What?!" she said astonished.

"Yeah. He waved his arm and I went flying, careened down the hall and fell on the floor."

"God! Are you hurt at all?"

"I'll live."

"Now I wanna see what our mysterious stranger wanted."

Eric walked over to the ambulance where Brian was being treated for any bumps and bruises.

"Mr. Farnsworth, I need to know what you saw. I know it will be difficult. Just take your time."

"Ah....I was talking to you," he said, pointing at Samantha.

"You said you thought you heard a noise? I hear you yelling."

"Yeah, I came out into the hallway and found a man stealing a book from one of the display cases. I told him to stop and I picked up the sword but he kept coming after me."

"What was he after? What did he steal?" Eric asked.

"It was an old Egyptian book of spells and incantations. I found it when I was in Cairo. Thought it might be worth something."

"Did you have it appraised? How much was it worth?"

"Yes, your father actually appraised it for me as a favor. He it was worth two point five million. First Kingdom text."

"When was your mummy from?" Eric asked turning to Samantha.

"First Kingdom."

"Wait? You don't think.....?" Samantha replied.

"Whoever it was, it was flesh and blood human and enough power in his hands to literally almost strangle a man to death without breaking a sweat."

Inside of Rachel's apartment Sethe arrived back slowly paging through the familiar text of the spell book. It was a rarity that after all of these centuries it was discovered. He knew that his powers would be increased greatly having it back in his possession once again.

He levitated a couple of books twirling them in the air and letting them drop to the floor. They were easy spells of merely child's play; however, what he had in mind was far greater and more deadly.

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