Chapter 2

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Six was now full, and ask everything in a street called 'Nockfel.' "Well, it has a lot of worse stuff, and it's kinda weird that you're here." Larry said. "What should I do on my own?" Six asked. "We need to get you new clothes." Fran said. "You can use my mom's clothes." Sal said. "Thanks to you three." Six replied. Sal gave Six his mom's clothes and Fran help her to wear it. Fran mentioned something in Six's raincoat pocket. "What's in your pocket?" Fran asked. Six picked her lighter from her pocket. "I used this to light up some darkness." She explained. The few minutes later, Six changed her clothes. She was wearing a yellow sweater, red skirt, white stockings, and black shoes. "Six you're look stunning." Sal said. "Thanks." Six said. Sal, Larry, Fran, and Six called the rest of the gang to meet them in the treehouse. Everyone are there and Sal, Larry, and Fran meet Six to them. Six told them her story and they got scared about it. "Woah, you had been in a maw?" Todd asked and she nodded. "What are the Nomes look like?" Ash asked. "Well, the Nomes are look like grey mushrooms, but their heads are cone shape, and each time I hugged some of them, they're really cute for me." Six explained. "I think so on my own." Sal said. Neil mentioned something on Six's forehead, it's kinda like… a third eye. "Six, what's that on your forehead?" He asked. Six surprised about her mother's magic. She started to disappointed and say, "I got my mother's magic. I used it to get rid of some monsters who wants to eat me." Everyone surprised about it. "What happened to your mother?" Fran asked. "I ate her." Six answered. "YOU WHAT???!!!" Everyone surprised about it. "She turned every children into Nomes because she needed an only one thing… youth." She explained. "And you defeated her by eating her badly?" Larry asked. "Before I ate her, I aim her with her reflection, her reflection is her weakness." Six said. "So… you're really scary when you eat someone like you ate a Nome." Ash said. "Yeah, I am." Six replied.

The next day~

The gang told Six to join them to school and she accept it. Six, Fran, and Sal walk together to school but without Larry. They entered the school hallway full of students, Six was getting shy. Fran told her to be brave than other things. "Hey freaks!" Someone came in front of them. The boy with tan skin, blonde hair, purple sweatshirt, blue shorts, and green shoes. "What's with that girl next to you? Sally Face and Fran Bow." He asked stupidly. "Back off Travis, it's her first day." Fran said. "Yeah, you should not be naughty to new people." Sal said. "Who doesn't care?" Travis said. "I care." Larry answered behind him and he started to punch him, then he go away. "Thanks Larry." Sal said. "Don't mind Travis okay? He was a kind guy in a ministry, but he's a freaking guy in school." Fran explained Six and she nodded. They went to the principal's office to meet the principal. "Yes may I help you?" The principal asked. "Well sir, there's a new student here and we decided you to meet her." Fran said. "Alright, let her in." The principal replied. Fran told Six to come in and she did. "Hi, my name is Six, please to meet you sir." Six said to the principal. "Where did you came from?" He asked. "It's a long story." She said and told the principal her story. "And that's how I get here, to Nockfel." She finally said the last part. "What a horrible journey you've been." The principal said. "Yeah, she is." Larry said. Six signed to the school enrollment and Fran showed her the whole school.

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