Chapter 5

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Six look very quiet and disappointed walking with her friends, Sal mentioned it. "Is something wrong Six?" Sal asked her. "What? No, I'm fine." Six said. "I know your lied, what's wrong with you?" He said. "Alright. It was… my nightmare… about my mother stealing my youth. I just don't want this again." Six explained shyly. "I understand what you said." Fran said. "Me too." Ash said. "I don't like to go back to the Maw forever. I want to discover surface and lands. I want to make carefulness friends like you guys. I want to leave the nightmare away." Six said, then the group gave her a group hug.

After school~

Six was reading a book from a bookstore from Nockfel, she imagined anything. Then her time interrupted by Fran came. "Hey Six? I was wondering that would you want to go with me to meet Sal's friend Megan." Fran said and Six nodded. Six and Fran went to Sal's apartment to meet him. Fran knocked and they realized that was Sal's father opened the door. "Why hello, may I help you?" Sal's father asked. "Is Sal Fisher's here?" Fran asked him and he nodded. He called Sal from his room and he replied. Sal came and his father left them. "Hey girls. You wanted to meet Megan huh?" Sal said and the girls nodded. Sal, Fran, and Six went to 504 at the 5th floor and went to the bathroom. Sal pulled out a gear boy and press some buttons to activate the controls. "Megan? Are you there? I wanted you to meet Fran and Six." Sal called her. Suddenly, a red flesh soul appeared and formed into a ghost with a white dress, purple hair, and blind purple eyes. "Hi Sally Face." Megan said. "Hey Megan." Sal said. "Sally Face?" Six confused. "My friends called me that 'cause of my face." Sal explained. "It's nice to meet you Megan. I'm Fran." Fran said to Megan. "So, did your face has… scars and… peeled skin… and you lost your right eye and nose?" Six asked Sal. "Yeah like that." Sal answered. "Hold on." Megan announced. "You three are look… familiar on something." She said. The three positioned in order; Sal on the middle, Fran on the right, and Six on the left. "You guys are look like from the story of the three keepers." Megan said. "What do you mean?" Fran asked. "The three keepers are a fighter of god devourers, a girl of ultrareality, and a devourer of nightmares." Megan explained. "That's odd." Six said. "Where did you heard that?" Sal asked Megan. "When I was alive, long ago before I died, I was getting a black book from my daddy's bookshelf. When I read the whole story, that dreamed me the three keepers." Megan said. "Are the characters almost look like… us?" Six asked. "Uh-huh." Megan responded. Suddenly, something glowed on their right hands. They look into their hands and realized that their ring fingers has rings. Sal's ring was a symbol of a white mask, Fran's ring was a symbol of a black cat, and Six's ring has a symbol of an eye. "I knew it! I knew it was real!" Megan said, just then, her face turned into a surprise. "Guys, I had to go. My daddy don't like me talking to the living. See ya." She said then she disappeared. "What does that Megan mean?" Six asked. "The stories are really true." Sal said looking at his ring glowing blue.

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