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You are sitting across Sam in the back of the plane while Nate takes seat beside Sully in the cockpit and starts telling him what you've found. The soft grey blanket is wrapped around your body but your wet clothes still makes you shiver. Grabbing the towel placed next to you, you start drying your hair thinking how desperately you want to undress from that clothes. If it were just you and Nate you would take your clothes of the minute you board the plane, knowing that Nate gives you privacy but with his brother sitting here, you are uncomfortable with that idea. Not that you're shy, you are confident and comfortable with your body and you wouldn't even mind Sam staring at you but you're fed up with him and his arrogant comments so he simply doesn't deserve to see your nearly naked body. Sam's voice slowly starts breaking you from your thoughts. You don't know what they are talking about but thanks to that annoying tone in his voice you're pretty sure that he's again complaining about not finding the treasure in the cathedral. Looking up from the floor you see Sam passing the coin to Sully. You decide to move closer so you can hear their conversation. Approaching them you hear Nathan explaining his theory.

„Look. It's like I said, I think Avery was recruiting people. The cross was an invitation. The caves were just some sort of...initiation."

„Oh, so we all passed, huh? Congrats, Victor. We are pirates now." Sam responded annoyed.

„Well, we can finally get ourselves eye patches and parrots." you joke. Sam rolls his eyes which makes a wide smile appear on your face. It feels weirdly satisfying to heckle him. Nate then continues his theory.

„Thomas Tew was a successful pirate in his own right. What would he possibly stand to gain from joining Avery? I think Avery send out crosses only to the other wealthy pirates like himself. What if they pooled and hid all their treasure together?"

„Holy shit. Okay, so where exactly in Madagascar are we going?" Sully asks curiously.

„King's Bay. It was an old pirate haven back in Avery's time." Sam answers.

„I know it's a big place. Anything more specific?" With this question the idea clicks in your head. You rush to the cockpit and push Sam aside from the door frame. He immediately sends you angry look and starts to shout some insults but you couldn't care less. You grab the coin now placed next to Sully and inspect it carefully you can see the shape of the volcano on it. Finding out you were right you send all of them one by one teasing smile.

„What are you laughing about?" Nate asks already knowing you always smile like this when you know something that he doesn't. You clear your throat.

„People who survive the caves...the recruits. What's the one thing they would've left with?"

With that you toss the coin to Sam and send him a playful cocky look.

„There is a volcano near King's Bay."


The four of you are looking at a huge volcano in front of you. After Sully surrender catch a signal to his GPS Nate pulls out a map and shows you the road to the top. Then you get in a car and a bumpy ride starts. Nate is driving while Sam and Sully are sitting in the back and you are enjoying the comfort of the shotgun. After 20 mins of driving you reach some tower ruins. On the floor there is a dragon symbol. You crouch and inspect it carefully but you've never seen this one.

„That's Christopher Condent's sigil. Captain of the Fiery Dragon. Operated out of Madagascar around Avery's time." Sam informs leaning closer to you and then continues. „So... maybe Avery recruited pirate captain' what, be his lookouts? That don't make any sense."

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now