Inside the cave

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You're sitting in the corner of the cage, hands bound together, dried blood and mud covering your body. Your eyes wander around the cave. Sam is still refusing to even look at you, so he turned his back to you. Your eyes settle on Rafe standing across the cave talking to Nadine and suddenly you're traveling through your memories years into the past. To the days when he was another man, your man, your whole world.

When Nate introduced you to Rafe he immediately took your breath away. He was young, charming and kind and it was apparent that he fancies you too. Working together in the cathedral in Scotland brought you two together and after Nate left the late nights spent working together became more and more tempting. One night when you found an old letter written by the monks about the visitor with a lot of cash and the excitement from the discovery ignited the spark of passion between the two of you and suddenly the letter was the last thing on your mind.

As the days went by you fell for him and you fell hard. The year you were together were full of happiness, adventure, love and that sex was un fucking believable. Just thinking about it now still spreads heat through your whole body. But that was long time ago. Before Rafe changed, became this cruel, this obsessed with the treasure. He was no longer himself, no longer the man you loved and even so your relationship with Rafe was history you felt sadness for what he became.

Shaking your head, you snapped back into reality and crawled to Sam. „Hey" you said softly placing your hand on his shoulder.

Hi" he answered with a sigh. You wanted to say so many things, but no words came out of your mouth. After a moment in silence he turned around and looked look straight into your soul. Well he looked into your eyes, but it felt like he was seeing the depths of your mind. You throw yourself at him and hugged him tightly while whispering into his ear. „I'm so sorry."

For what?" He detached himself from you and looked at you again.

For serving myself to Rafe like a material to negotiate on a silver platter." He chuckled and held your hand „and for not telling you about my past relationship with him."

„Well, it really is none of my business. It's not like we're together we just kind of fucked. So, I'm sorry too, it just surprised me."

„Don't worry about it but "Kind of fucked"?" you arched one eyebrow smiling.

„Believe me," he leaned closer to you and you could feel his breath on your neck „if we fucked properly, you would remember every second of my body moving against yours." with his words your breath hitched in your throat. You felt heat surging into your private parts as some memories from that night flashed before your eyes. You could remember your eyes closing and him biting your lip as you were moaning his name. You desperately tried to keep poker face but when you saw Sam smirking at you, you knew you failed terribly. You just rolled your eyes and and looked away.

He chuckled at your response and continued. „Although..." he paused „it was shocking that the infamous Rafe Adler was tamed by a short feisty girl like you. No offence but I thought he was more into Katy Perry style than shorts and messy bun type of girl." You chuckled and that sound caused Rafe to turn your way.

He slowly walked closer to you and with mischievous smile crouched to you. „Look who is in happy mood." He traced your lips with his thumb and looked at Sam. „Sam you're leading the way."

He helped you up and smirked „And you, princess, are coming with me. I can't let my money walk around unprotected."

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now