It's gonna be okay

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You drive back to your hotel and find Sully standing next to the car smoking a cigar. His face is a little bruised but he seems unhurt.

„Hey, what happened?" You ask him getting of the bike.

„Rafe" he puffs his cigar before continuing his answer, „he hacked our phones, so he know everything. I know he doesn't know that you are with us but better destroy yours too."

„Okay." You nod while taking your phone from your pocket and smashing it to the ground. Moment later you dig into your other pocket and take out your second phone and call the only one of your partners, but he doesn't answer. When you look back at Sully, he's standing there with a confused look his eyes not leaving your phone. „Oh this one is unable to hack beside it's an emergency phone and there is only one person who's got this number."

He nods and takes another puff from his cigar. As you are waiting for Sam and Nate to return you shared a small talk but suddenly your phone beeps with a text. You open in and begin to reed but your eyes widen and your breathe shallows as you continue to read further.

Hello Y/N,

your little friend was hard to convince to give me your number but after some small talk with his daughter he changes his mind pretty quickly and he also told me some of your little secrets. I know a lot of people who would kill to know your real identity because of information you dig about them and sold to their enemies but I give you a chance to save that pretty ass of yours. You know that I always had a soft spot for you in my heart so stop working with Drake and I forget about everything. But if I see you with them again...


You are reading the text again and again as a big lump start forming in your throat. Your body is overwhelmed with panic and you are not able to move. You are just standing there staring at your phone for what seems like infinity till.

„Are you okay?" You jump a little when Sully breaks you from your thoughts with worried expression.

„Y..Yeah, I'm fine." you lie and force a little smile.

Before Sully can ask you about what actually happened, Sam and Nate arrive together on the bike. The wave full of relief wash over you, when you see them both safe and sound. You rush to them and hug them both really tight as tears of happiness form in your eyes. They hug you back and rest their heads on your shoulders. You let go of the embrace and blink several times to stop yourself from crying. Nate gives you a warm smile and reach to his pocket for some papers.

„Pro Deus quod licentia. This looks like a simple cipher." Nate says concentrated on the papers.

„For God and liberty. It's their damn motto." Sam ads.

„You really aren't able to take a break. Are you?" You roll your eyes but smile. They're both the same.

„See you two made it out okay." Sully joins your group.

„Way better than okay. We found Libertalia." Sam chuckles.

„Liber...Liber-what-ia?" Sully asks.

„Libertalia. Seems like Avery founded the legendary pirate colony. Well it's more of like pirate utopia." Sam answers.

„Okay. But what about a treasure?" Sully asks still not knowing what's going on.

„See as the story goes..." Sam started but you interrupt him knowing that he is not able to explain it easily without a two hours long history lesson.

Uncharted: Different story (Sam Drake x reader)Where stories live. Discover now